7. A Movie Date, This Is Not

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"What a coincidence that we're all seeing the same movie at the same time!" Amanda chirps after we all get our tickets and snacks.

"Yeah, although I guess most people are going to see movies on the weekend," Harper replies with a nod. "But I'm surprised. Amanda, you like horror?"

"Totally! I'm so glad Matt and I have that in common."

"I'm not a huge fan of horror," Matt says, causing all eyes to turn to him. Amanda's cheeks tinge pink. "There just weren't any others I haven't seen already."

"You've already seen everything?" Harper asks in disbelief while Amanda bows her head bashfully at Matt's side. Seems she's embarrassed. Now I'm starting to feel bad.

"I like movies," Matt replies.

"That makes sense. You are an actor." Harper laughs, the only one that doesn't seem bothered by this whole situation. Wow, I wish I had that kind of strength...or obliviousness. Not sure which one it is yet.

"Wait, we're supposed to take a picture!" Amanda shouts just before we enter the theater. Good thing too because, judging by our faces, none of us remembered. Amanda laughs. "Come on, let's take one all together."

Harper agrees and, well, Matt and I don't seem to have a say in the matter. Suddenly Harper has his phone out. Amanda is squeezing up against Matt. Harper is pushing against me and, bam, my arm is pressed against Matt's. I dare not look up, not even when I swear I feel his eyes pointed at me.

"Smile!" Harper orders.

I don't think I can.

In the end, he takes a few shots with me anxiously awaiting stepping away. My arm feels way too warm.

"Ok, this looks good!" Harper shouts and finally gives me freedom. I take three quick steps back, which has Matt watching me with confused eyes that I choose to ignore.

"How about this one?" Harper asks, showing it to all of us.

"That's cute!" Amanda says.

Matt has no comment so Harper looks to me, the one that is red in the face currently, and in that picture, but there's no way I can take another.

"L-Looks good," I tell him.

"Cool, I'll text it to you guys after. Let's head in."

So the four of us make it into the theater to take our seats. Amanda finds a place in the middle and sits with Matt beside her. It isn't until I'm standing next to his seat that I turn to ask Harper to switch, only he is already seated. He smiles up at me, this time definitely oblivious.

"Something wrong?" He asks.

Oh how I wish I could say yes and make an excuse to switch seats, unfortunately my brain is not capable of coming up with that kind of nonsense on the spot. With a nervous laugh, I shake my head and take a seat with my arms curled towards me in hopes to not even brush against Matt. Why? I don't know. He has Celebrity-itus? I just don't want to be here, ok! I was happy with being Harper's partner, but now it's ruined. I might as well have been with Matt!

Groaning, I throw my head back against the chair, earning a confused eyebrow raise from Matt. I offer him an apologetic smile that he simply looks away from. This is going to be one long and awkward movie.

Other viewers start piling in. The lights dim and the commercials start to play. Harper has the popcorn sitting in his lap so I attempt to scoot closer to him to keep a distance between Matt and myself. That should work, only Amanda is using the dark theater and horror movie as an excuse to be close to Matt, who is clearly not pleased with her plan.

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