9. Check Before You Text

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"Dana, I'm so sorry for asking you to come in this morning."

"It's all right. We were just supposed to work on a project today in class, which I already finished so I would have skipped anyways."

Martha laughs, shaking her head while tying her hair up. She called early this morning, saying two workers called off sick and no one else was responding so I happily came in to pick up a shift. Although I will be leaving early to get to my second Tuesday class. That means I won't be able to return Matt's umbrella today since we won't see each other, but I doubt he'll mind.

So, with only two workers, Martha and I open the store for the early students and hungry office workers. One by one people start piling in for some breakfast. The shop is filled with yawns and tired eye rubs, myself included. Well, not so much the eye rubbing considering I am working with food, but a lot of turning my head to yawn over my shoulder for sure. Morning shifts are rough, even if I always work them on the weekends.

The line is rather long considering how early it is, but it's understandable with only two of us. I rush to get as much done as I can, happy that customers aren't trying to converse. I may smile but that's part of my job. I'm not actually interested in talking with strangers. It gives me the shivers so with so many realizing we're rushing at least that makes many keep their mouths shut and just go, go, go.

Then the customers start to dwindle down and it's much more calm. Now some are trying to small talk, which results in some forced laughter and awkward smiles from me. Which only worsens when a familiar face walks in, head down and earbuds in with a bodyguard in toe.

W-W-What is Matt doing here? I guess it is almost time for class, but shouldn't he be eating caviar or lobster? I don't know, that's ridiculous for anyone to have for breakfast, but please, for my sake, be ridiculous!

"Crap!" I shout when I drop an entire bottle of mayonnaise on the floor. Martha jumps in shock from the sound. The bottle basically exploded, now there's mayonnaise everywhere.

"I'll clean it up, keep the line moving," Martha orders, rushing in the back to grab a mop.

Of course the noise garnered all the customer's attention, including Matt's. I'm not surprised to catch him looking at me, although I'm curious why he looks shocked to see me here. He knows I work here, he gave me a ride. Whatever, I can't think about it. It's just me so I gotta keep moving.

Three customers go by. Martha has managed to clean up my mess and ring them out while Matt finally steps up. His earbuds are hanging around his neck now.

I can't lie about feeling awkward when I ask, "What can I get for you?"

Just when Matt is about to answer, a new voice cuts in. A man that has just come into the store, dressed in some nice jeans and a button down. All he does is call Matt's name, obviously earning our attention as he comes over with his phone held out. It isn't until he's closer, having pushed past those in line, that I see his screen. He's recording audio.

"Matthew Jeneviere, right? Would you mind talking to me for just a few minutes?" The man asks and is immediately pushed back by a titan stepping between them, Matt's bodyguard. When he crosses his arms he somehow seems to grow causing everyone to give an audible gulp.

"Ah, I-I work for a local paper. H-Here, my card." The man reaches into his back pocket in a rush, pulling out a card that he tries to hand to Matt, but the bodyguard gives a death glare. I give the reporter credit. He has the guts to slide the card between the guards arms, which earns him a raised brow. "It won't take long, I promise."

"Dude, we're all trying to get something to eat, move out of the way!" A patron shouts, another follows after him complaining about class. Now Martha's attention is grabbed. She was checking out a few more customers but her eyes are now narrowed on the reporter causing a scene.

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