4. Real Life is Stranger than Fiction

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"Matt, dude, what the hell?!" Liam screams in slurred frustration.

Matt's angled so that he's blocking me from Liam's view. His wide back seems even bigger with that oversized hoodie he's wearing. The hood is up and his hair is brushed back under a black baseball cap while his bodyguard is nowhere to be seen.

Did he sneak out? Why? Wait, does he even live near here?

There's a bag in his hand from the nearby gas station, seems there are some snacks inside so I guess he lives close by. If he wanted some snacks, why not take a car? I've seen him driving a black Mercedes so I know he has one, Mr. Rich and Famous.

"I should be asking you that," Matt replies while pushing Liam's arm away. The jerk stumbles back. His friends catch him before he topples over. "He apologized. Why are you trying to start a fight?"

"He started it!"

"Are you really that drunk, or just stupid?"

Liam growls. Matt turns away without a care. His blue eyes fall to me in a quiet stare. With his hair is brushed it gives an even better view of his stupidly attractive face.

Ah, wait, what's he doing here? Why help me? I'd ask, but honestly, I rather he keep helping until I'm out of this situation. My chicken arms would snap if I even considered throwing a punch, let alone actually go through with it.

"Let's go," Matt says while swaying his head to the side in a gesture towards the street.


Matt doesn't explain. He walks away without a word. The big question is, should I follow?

Seeing Liam out of the corner of my eye completely fuming and still very much drunk, I decide the hell with it, and bolt after Matt. Everyone is talking. I hear their chatter until we're at the end of the street. Matt is walking a few steps ahead of me, head down, proving that he definitely snuck out and is trying to keep his face from being seen. If that's the case, why help me? This will be the next talk of the school.

The great Matthew Jeneviere helped the loser that spilled lunch all over his fancy shirt. Why? Maybe because he definitely wants his money so he can't have the kid dying? Who knows! And what's he doing out so late anyways? He definitely wasn't at the party.

"Um...Matt?" I end up calling, earning myself a quiet hum in response. "Thanks, y'know, for the help."


Not much of a conversationalist, is he? I can't complain, neither am I.

Silence falls between us. The occasional car drives past on the road. Sometimes Matt's footsteps are heavy enough to sound like a stomp. The grocery bag crinkles in the wind and I clutch my ruined M&M's. So much for not leaving empty handed. This is hella awkward, but we both end up walking until I see the local gas station. To get to the dorms we should turn right, but Matt ends up going left.

"Ah, I'll s-see you around." I'm not sure if I stated or asked that. Either way, it earns me a cocked brow from Matt when he turns to face me.

"We're going to the gas station."

"We?" I point to me then him.

"Yes. You're bleeding."

That's when my body decides to recognize pain. A pain that shoots up my arm and causes me to hiss. Pulling said arm up, I find that my elbow has a pretty nasty burn from the sidewalk. Blood is dripping from the wound. I even left a trail behind us!

"The gas station is closer," Matt says, like that's enough of an explanation. Once more, he walks across the street simply expecting me to follow.

But I don't want to follow. We don't know each other well. Sure he helped me out, but being with Matt is asking to be in the spotlight. Everything he does is watched and discussed, like he's an animal in the wild getting another documentary. Sighing, I end up following only because I would feel guilty otherwise. This whole situation is weird. I'm not entirely sure how to handle it.

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