11. Panic! at the Hand Holding

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We're at the theater and Matt keeps his gaze low. Neither of us really say anything until we get to the counter where I pay for my own ticket and a drink. Matt insists he gets the popcorn since it was his idea. I let him slide on that, however, as we're standing there I look to the man behind the counter and ask, "May we have separate bags? Like half in one and half in the other."

That earns me an incredulous look. Matt is probably doing the same, but says nothing when the guy agrees and gives us our popcorn as requested. I smile nervously when he hands me mine then scurry away.

Sorry, but all I can think about is every cheesy romance movie ever made where we reach into our shared popcorn bowl and hold hands so, yeah, I want separate bags for the popcorn. There will be no accidental hand holding!

The theater isn't crowded so we find our seats easily. Matt sits on my right and we're early enough that the trailers haven't even started yet. There's just those weird and boring questionnaires about movies, but maybe they aren't so weird or boring because Matt knows the answers to them.

"It's C," he says, pointing to the answer 'Betelgeuse' on screen asking what character Michael Keaton played in Beetlejuice. I'm about to comment about the movie being called Beetlejuice when it pops up that he was right. He smirks at me.

"I thought the movie was Beetlejuice?" I ask, scrunching my nose up in confusion.

"It is, but the character is Betelgeuse. He's named after a star."

"Then why is the movie called Beetlejuice?"

"Because the studio didn't like the proper spelling, but Tim Burton hated their options so they went with how his name was described in the movie since it's funny and appeals to a younger audience."

"You know some really odd movie facts."

Matt shrugs, but now I'm curious. What other unusual movie facts does Matt know? So I lean over and say, "Tell me another."

"Another what?"

"Movie trivia."

Matt snorts. "Why?"

"Why not?"

Matt hums for a moment then says, "In the original Halloween, Jamie Lee Curtis just wore her own clothes. They didn't have enough money to afford having on set costumes for them, and the leaves you see blowing around? They'd just rake them up after a take and keep them in a bag to use again later."

My jaw drops. Matt shows off a toothy smile; seemingly very pleased with his movie trivia. I immediately smile back when he starts to share more until the trailers start. But honestly, I wouldn't mind sitting around talking about movies with Matt for hours. He really does enjoy them. I understand why he's into acting now, although I can see him being a producer or a director at some point as well.

The movie begins and only ten minutes in, catastrophe happens.

I reach for my drink when a hand suddenly grabs mine. I find Matt's hand atop mine and when we look up, our eyes meet. My cheeks are so hot I'm surprised the theater isn't set ablaze. Matt only blinks rapidly in confusion.

But I even made us get different popcorn bags so this wouldn't happen, what the hell?!

"Uh, sorry," Matt whispers, quickly pulling away. "I'm left handed so it's kinda natural for me."

"I-It's fine."

No. No it's not fine. Nothing is fine, Dana, because your heart is about to explode. I'm surprised I'm not already dead. Is it really hot in here? Because it feels really hot, and no matter how much I drink it doesn't cool me down or quench my thirst. Oh no, no, no, this is not good. Not good at all. Why the hell did I agree to skip? Why?!

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