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Madara POV-
I awoke in my study room with a sake bottle in my hand.
I throw it across the room and it shatters. Glass scattering everywhere.
I feel like shit. My head is pounding.. I rub my temples ... looking out the window I notice the moon was still out...a full moon.
With a groan I stand up.
My mouth is dry. I head to my desk all my papers are scattered across the room. With a grunt I kick the papers out of my way.. I don't have time for this. As I walk to the washroom I immediately sense Izuna's chakra spike.
Something's wrong.
He then stumbles in his faces says it all.
"Hinata is gone!"
I storm to our room he follows. I feel my anger rise... as I enter the room I'm greeted with a cold chill coming from an open door that is slightly cracked. There is no sign of a struggle.
I begin to tremble.. my hands fist... fuck...she's really gone.
Memories of earliers  event rush to me like a gust of wind.
It's all because of me... i fucked up bad. Izuna notices my dilemma and places a hand on my shoulder " Go to her".
The snow was coming down hard she couldn't have gone far.
I had to find her.
She had ran for several hours as fast as she could... her lungs stinging from the thick cold air.. the deeper she ran in the more dense the vegetation became. Tree limbs clawing and scratching at her...
Hinata POV-
My body was exhausted my mind a blur.
All I knew is I had to get away. The rigid cold was eating at me I couldn't feel my hands or feet. I stumbled to the ground... every gasp of air come with so much pain.. it felt like the bitter cold was shredding my throat and lungs.
I pull my self up.. tears stroll down my face... I'd rather die here then go back.
Then I hear it...
My eyes widen in shock.. he was near.
I muster all my strength and leap to the nearest tree. I stayed quiet..
The sound of crushing trees could be heard from miles away. I was terrified. I press my body close to the tree trunk and beg to go unnoticed.. trembling I close my eyes.. focus Hinata...i try to calm my self. The noise was coming closer... and closer. Suddenly silence.  I open my eyes slowly and I gasp. He is standing right in front of me.. his red armor and red eyes make him look more menacing. Steam evaporates around him. My heart is pounding. He slowly walks towards me. His robust body nearing. Now only a few feet apart...
I turn my face waiting for the pain to be inflicted... nothing.
To my sock he kneels and lowers his head.. long main falling. He looks defeated as if he had lost a battle. His face softens as he looks up at me... I see a deep sadness in his eyes.. they shift back to black. He wants to say something but can't seem to find the right words. He reaches his hand towards me for me to embrace him. I can't move the cold and fatigue have taken over my body I fall and he locks me in his arms. I try to fight him but it's hopeless... he carries me bridal style. He takes one last look at me and leans his head towards me i flinch expecting the worst. A soft kiss is placed on my forehead.. his lips feel warm on my cold skin. He tightens his grip around me... his body feels so warm.. so welcoming. Was this really the same person?
Then my vision becomes a blur. I fall in a deep sleep.
Madara arrives to the Uchiha compound not wanting to make a sene  he decides to enter from the same route Hinata escaped. He places her down gently on the futon.. she has scratches on her face... her lips and nose are tinted red from the bitter winter.... Izuna enters the room... "Is she alright... oh.. I'll go get some blankets"... he returns with blankets made out of the finest fur in the nation. He sits next to Madara who has not left the young  Hyuga's side. " Hey.. Madara you should get some rest I can keep watch". " No I owe it to her" was all he could say. Izuna knowing how stubborn his brother is lets it be and leaves  the room. Madara changed Hinata as if he was handling a glass doll. Once she is changed into a clean yukata he tucks her in. A faint memory comes to mind when his own mother would tuck him in. He places a hand on her faced and is relived she is no longer freezing . He breaths a sigh of relief. He slumps against the wall next to her.
As he immersed himself  in profound thought there was a knock at the door. Tajima walks in not waiting for an answer. The sight of his eldest son in pain next to his future wife brings back painful memories too near to his heart. He diverts his eyes to Hinata. Nothing is said for a while.. he clears his throat...
"Madara as your father you know my advice is always for your own good"..
Madara avoids his fathers gaze "Hm" was all he could say.
"When your mother died...that day I knew true pain...none of the scars I carry can compare... take care of what you have because once you loose it.. you will forever live in regret". Madara looked at his father with his usual stone face showing pure composure but in reality he was stunned. His father never spoke of his mother after her death much less divulge such emotions.
He continued.."it was decided that you and Hinata will be staying at the cottage by the lake for two months..I know you're the leader of this clan but in order for this union to even have a future you both have to learn to get along especially you"... Tajima takes Madara's silence as an agreement... his son was a man of few words... " don't worry about the clan we're in a time of peace.. me and Izuna will handle things here" .... he turned and heads to leave  before exiting he turns to Madara "oh and Madara make sure she returns with child".
Madara looks at Hinata... he leans close to her. And whispers in her ear " I'm sorry Hinata".
She stirs in her sleep he then kissed the side of her lips gently and she falls back into a deep sleep. Through the night he watches her... memorizing her face... every detail of her angelic being.  Imagining their future together.
.. Picturing her holding a child...his child.

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