New Beginning

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I'm back!!!
I'm actually staying in a cabin at the moment so I saw it fitting i finish this chapter here. I plan on working more on this story to finish it since I want to start in a possible Obito and Hinata fic soon. :D
Anyways enjoy 😉

Deep in the Uchiha forest a single cabin stood. Miles form the wondering eye.
Hinatas lays in a disheveled bed... contemplating on last nights events, a light blush coats her face. Her eyes are fixated at the ceiling avoiding the presence next to her... her mind and body were beyond exhausted. Tightening the sheets around her naked body she directs her sight to Madara.. she is enthralled by his complexion the usual stone cold face is relaxed in a deep slumber bringing his well defined features to light... she bites her lips remembering how his eyes looked at her with a deep yearning the night before . Her vision then move down to his lips... she feels her face and body heat. She notices his deep breaths.... he must be exhausted she wonders. They had made love numerous times the night before and both collapsed after he spilled in her six times.
She turns back to the ceiling and sighs... her hands move to her stomachs and she begins stroking it gently.

**** Hinata POV

Unknowingly my hand gently caress my stomach...I wondered what kind of father Madara would be...would he be like my father? If that's the case then... no...I need to stop. A sudden movement startles me and a large arm wraps around my chest, he pulls me close to him. My skin prickles from his sudden touch... as he buries his face in the crock of my neck his lips skim my neck lightly sending shivers down my core. He then presses closer to me...I feel his harden member against my body stiffens.. he slowly starts to grind hard against me I feel the stickiness from his harden member... with a husky voice he whispers in my ear.."..ahh my Hina"... a dull ache overflows my core. My breath is cough in my throat...I need to have him now. The overwhelming ache for him is engulfing me beyond return as if my body has a mind of its own within seconds I'm straddling him.. his face shows amusement from my bold move. His lips crack a smile...he knows that I am now in control.


With a low grunt she she walks out the shower... droplets hit the ground from her damp body... she traces with her hand the marks around her neck. He had been quiet rough with her this last time leaving Hinata sore all over. Her eyes moves back down to her belly only time would tell if the deed was done... a small smile graced her lips. The mere thought of her body soon carrying a life brings her an indescribable joy... she had made the decision that her child would not be a pawn for the Uchihas or Hyugas... this was her child... nothing would ever come between them not even him. Her child would have the life she never had... a loving parent.. someone to wipe the tears away.. someone who gave you kisses before bed. Her eyes fill with tears... how can I already love something that's not even here she wonders. She stands there her eyes closed allowing these new emotions to flow through her... a sudden realization hits her..." I... have all this made up in my head... what if I can't get pregnant... I mean it's a possibility..." she utters to herself in a low tone. Broken from just the thought... she decides to busy herself with getting ready.
Now dressed in a fitted black yukata with the Uchiha cress in the back.. she stares at the mirror.. everyday she was looking less like herself. The shy Hinata that was once a constant hinder was gone..her lips form a smile. She walks to the kitchen where Madara already started on breakfast.

Madara POV

The rising sun has always been a time I reserve to dwell on my inner thoughts..the golden rays illuminate the small cabin... a once cold abandoned cabbing is now enveloped in a constant warmth... "..Madara.. good morning..". Her sweet voice is like music to my ears.. the way she carefully pronounces my name pleases me. Her hair is damp and her pearl skin glows beautifully in contrast to the dark yukata which fitted her perfectly around her curves.. she fidgets from my intense gaze... if eyes could talk I could have her beet red and sprawled across the kitchen floor..

We enjoy our breakfast in a comfortable silence.

As we clean the dishes i notice her lost in thought.. her lips pressed together eyes fixated on the plate in front of her.. "Out with it Hinata." I finally say. She's jolted from my sudden command.. her body relaxed and looks up at me... those eyes... stare deep into my own. 
"... Madara... umm.. we should take a walk around the lake.. I would like to see if there is any medicinal plants I can pick... I noticed there is not much here in the cabin.." I nod. She smiles and returns to cleaning. Hmm was that all? I wondered. From her earlier actions I would have though she'd want me to bend her over the kitchen sink. I smirk and the thought.

Our footsteps are the only sounds heard as each step plunges through the the hard snow

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Our footsteps are the only sounds heard as each step plunges through the the hard snow. From the corner of my eye I watch her a light blush from the cold coats her features... I find myself yearning for her... pathetic.
" Even... during winter there are some plants that's still grow around the lake... back at the Hyuga compound it was my duty to keep on medicine in stock..."
" When we return to the Uchiha compound we will have you work with our medical team"... her footsteps stop. I turn to look at her.... her face is blank.. eyes locked into my own. She jumps and wraps her arms around me and burrows her face into my chest. Then she looks up to face me... her eyes are glistening with tears... my heart flutters... her beauty is overwhelming. I want I have her here and now. I return her hold wrapping my arms around her small frame tightly.. " really Madara... you really mean that?"... "of course my little flower" I lean down and plant a small kiss on her forehead... her lavenders smells is mesmerizing. She slowly pulls sways... a smile graces her face.. " thank you Madara" I nod.
We continue on our path down to the lake, I watch her as she meticulously picks at plants I would consider as simple weeds. Once her pouch is completely full we return home.
That night we sat as one next to the fire after a few hours she is asleep ... her warm body lays next to mine... I watch as her belly rises with each breath my hand is drawn to it. I slowly caress her stomach her body stirs from my touch... my mind is clouded. If she is with is too soon to tell.
Our child will have unmanageable power... they will be feared across nations. My eyes return to her resting face... if the child is anything like her the Uchiha would see it as a hindrance. All Uchiha were to be emotionless and ruthless...
I retreat my hand.
Only time would tell.

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