I need protein
Yeah they have scarambled eggs.
Fried frozen foods. Here i come.

As i cut the sausages.

"Can i sit here?"

I looked at the guy.
He is a bit cute and smaller than me.

I smiled at him.
"Sure" i said.

"Thank you my name is Nine" he said and sit down.

"I am Dome." I said.

"Are you a freshmen?" He asked.

"Yeah.. block 2."

"OMG! First classmate. I am block 2 also hi you are my first classmate that i met today." He said happily.

"You are the first classmate i met also" i said and smiled.

He clapped his hands softly.

Then we ask questons while we eat.

The first two days of class are orientations. Few minutes later more students came in and was scolded.

One of them catched my attention he is a bit tall taller than me and Phoom, and he has this nice smile.

"Is that Benjamin?" Nine asked me.

"Benjamin who?" I asked.

"Aw, sorry i forget. He is popular back in senior high." He said.

"Aww," i just said.

Nine waved his hands and the guy he called Benjamin walked towards us and his smile is wider.
Hell yeah he is handsome.

Wait Dome stop being a slut.
"Nine, you are also in med?" He asked.

Well the way Benjamin regard Nine they are not just acquaintance.

"Yup, this is Dome." Nine said. And introduced me.

"Hi, i'm Benjamin. Dome right?" He asked.

"Umm" i said and nooded.

Our attention back to orientation.

Next things we know. Lunch.

They talk too much about the meds reputations in the university as the most dicipline and respected. Blah!blah!
I feel like we are about to break that.

These two who are with me are bombs.
The two days we are together i learned that they got talents and known in their highschool.

And i was nobody.
That is why Pavel challenges me to make friends because i was a nobody.
I am only his shadow.

And now i meet new people and i do not wnat to be their shadow again.

Next day i again eat in the canteen earlier than yesterday, i meet Poy. Also freshmen i saw him alone alone yesterday also. Then we meet Gun. The three of us are having breakfast again i eat the frozen foods and this time with two sunny side up.

"Are you on a protein diet?" Gun asked.
He noticed.

"Only for breakfast so my insulin level won't be too high early in the day." I said.

"Aw, you have a diabetes history?" Poy asked.

"Wow, yeah!" I said.

"Yeah it is acquired by family members easily specially when you are in third generation cycle." Poy said,

"Aw.. i must be careful also." Gun said,

Yesterday i am with populars
Now i am with genious people.

Nine and Benjamin sit with us at the orientation.
I introduced them.

The next day i went to the canteen again. Gun and Poy waved at me and i waved at them. I bought my food but i am pulled to sit on another table.

I looked at Gun and he gave me a thumbs up.

"Hi!" I said to ladies and gays.
"Hi ladies" i said.

"What is your name dimple boy?" One asked with groan

"Dome" i said.

I just laughed at them then i eat my sausage.

"Oh my god. Holly molly. He is one of us" the other said.

"No girl, he is on the bi section, we are all girls here." A real girl said.

I shook again my head.
"What is wrong with that?" I asked.

"Nothing we kinda have same grounds. By the way who are those two with you the other day?" One asked.

"The taller one is Benjamin and the other one is Nine. And those two the one with eye glasses is Gun and the other is Poy" i said.

"What block are you?" They asked.

"2" i said shortly for i am chewing my eggs.

"Aww. We are block 3." They said.

"Well atleast we know people form other blocks and those two are from block 1." I said.

We then gossip about the other students we see.

"I really had fun guys and i am glad i had acquaintances." I said.

The bell rings and real classes begun.


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