Chapter 13

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I and Minho were walking back and discussing what we just learned when suddenly we passed an alleyway and before I knew it, Minho was grabbed by the arm and dragged into the dark and very scary alleyway.

my heart skipped a beat as I pulled out my phone and quickly called Chan "Hello? is everything okay baby girl?" he asked in a sleepy voice. my hands were shaking and even my voice came out shaky as I replied. "C-Chan, Minho has just gotten pulled into an alleyway by someone" I stated and I heard shuffling on the other line before I heard Chans voice

"Stay put I'll be right there baby" and he hung up. of course, I wasn't just going to stand by while Minho was possibly getting killed right in front of me

I slowly walking into the alleyway with the flashlight on my phone leading the way. what I say made my eyes widen, it was the last thing I was expecting to see

Minho was being pinned to the wall of the alleyway by a boy shorter then him but he only looked to be a few years younger. the younger boy was on his tiptoes and their lips were connected as they shared an intimate kiss right in front of me

 They looked as if they knew each other and I think that's what shocked and confused me the most. I was trying to figure out what was going on when suddenly they separated and the younger of the two planted his feet back on the ground. 

he brought a hand to his mouth and wiped his sleeve on his lips before turning and seeing me "Oh hello!" he said with a big smile as if I didn't just catch them kissing. he walked up to me, and I noticed that he had a bit of a bounce in his step. he reached his hand out to shake mine

"I'm Jisung!" 

I reached out and shook his hand and saw no death which I kinda expected. I smile at him "so you're the other immortal we're looking for?" I asked. his eyes widened "How could you tell?!" he looked scared and pleasantly surprised, almost curious as well, all at the same time.

I was about to answer when I hear a voice call my name "Y/N!!" I turn around and I'm met with the worried face that belonged to my boyfriend. I smiled at him before he stepped in front of me and glared at Jisung.

I placed my hand on his should and said with a soft voice "He's one of you guys" Chan immediately relaxed and let out a long breath.

he reached his hand out "I'm Chan. there's other's behind me, but it seems you've already met Y/n and Minho" Jisung placed a hand at the back of his neck and laughed awkwardly before shaking Chan's hand. "Y-yeah, Minho is my boyfriend after all" when I heard those words I immediately smirked and looked at Minho

"when you told us you knew him I didn't think you meant that much" the look on his face was priceless as Jisung broke down laughing "She got you there!" and that's when everyone else showed up, we explained what was happening and we were walking back to the motel when I turned to Jisung

"It's hard to believe someone s friendly and bubbly as you is in a gang" I said "Was" he correctly and I looked at him confused till he looked at Minho then everything made sense

"You didn't want him to get hurt." his eyes widened at how well I was able to read him. "are you always able to read people like that?" he asked and I thought about it, I guess I have always been able to find the root of the problem with a single detail. but if I tell him he might catch on that I'm one of them so I shook my head

he let out a quiet "Oh" 

we were at the back of the line of people when I had the perfect ice breaker "Hey, if you don't mind me asking. what was your life like before the lab?" he looked taken aback. he looked back at the ground, I couldn't tell if he was trying to avoid the question, or if he was thinking.

"everything was all good, till I got to middle school and realized I was gay. kids found out and I started getting bullied. that always followed me, but Minho and I met in high school and we started dating he told everyone to leave me alone and they listened. I just never told him the harassment I faced at work. then when I finally gave up I signed up for the experiment. he found out a couple weeks later and signed up without a second thought." 

I show the tears threatening to spill

"we never saw each other, but we were on the same floor, we heard each others pained cries as we got beaten" that's when I tear left his eye. " that was the hardest thing I have ever gone throw. and he was there the whole way. we had trouble keeping in touch without the MR finding us again. so I meet up and befriended someone else from the lab" he looked more sad at the mention of his friend

I was confused till I saw the look in his eyes. I didn't want to assume. so I asked him to tell it "What happened to him?" I asked softly as he wiped away his tears. 

"he joined the gang with me. a few months later I got cocky and he took a bullet for me. we might be immortal, but the only thing that cant kill us is old age. everything can kill us in seconds. I found that out when he died in my arms. I still remember his last words. were to a boy named Chris. I've never found him..." he spoke and my brain started working

Chan, he was raised in Australia, he most likely has an English name. and he was in the lab with this boy. I turn to Jisung "what was the name of the boy?" I asked "Kim Woojin"

I turned to the front of the crowd dragging Minho's boyfriend with me. 


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