Chapter 12

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the next day we spent driving, it was a longer drive then we expected a good thing Chan bought a big car.

when we finally arrived we booked a hotel it was currently midnight and everyone was so tired, they crashed but or some reason I couldn't sleep, I got up from bed and walked outside, only to see Minho "Can't sleep either?" he nodded

"Wanna join me?" I asked and he nodded before straightening from the wall he was leaning against, and he joined me, walking beside me as I stared at the concrete we walked on while he looked up at the sky. 

"I've got a question for you," he said making me look up at him, but he still looked at the sky. "don't you think it's weird how you have powers but don't remember the lab like we do?" he said and I furrowed my eyebrows "What do you mean? I'm not like you guys" I explained but he just let out a breathy laugh before looking at me and continuing 

"you were in the lab, you endured so much more then we did cause you refused to let the scientist hurt us more then we could handle." he paused and his eyes turned sad

"I met you one day, I believe it was after a month of all of us being brought in. you looked like your soul left you and you could barely move, I offered to share some of the torture back then, but suddenly your eyes would fill with passion and strength and you'd refuse before telling the guard you weren't hungry and to give it to the kid on the next floor, he was only 16 when it all happened." my eyes widened at this information

"that was the only time I met you but you were so strong... I never told anyone about you cause I thought you died in the fire that burned the place down" 

I looked at him "I'm guessing you never saw if I made it out alive?" I asked and he shook his head. I looked back down at the ground as we walked. I search in my memories as far back as I can possibly find. 

"the furthest back I can remember is my dead brother, abusive father then A white room around when I was 6 I believe?" I said as I put my hand on my head "6?!" Minho stopped and so did I.

"we were in there for a year, half of us were in our 20's and everyone else was younger. you were in there for 14 years...?" he asked running his hands through his hair. I just shrugged "I guess so, I mean I don't really remember" I said looking at the ground once again as we started walking.

"the only things I can remember from my child hood is when my father would beat me then one day I was moved into this white room not far from my house maybe just down the street. my father would come see me every once in a while, and when he did he gave orders that were always followed"

Minho sat there and thought for a moment, then he stopped in his tracks, again. "what if your father was the one running the lab?" he asked and I looked at him with wide eyes before actually thinking "I mean it would explain why he was there and why he always gave orders, but there could still be another angle we don't know"

I pull out my phone and start researching and so does Minho as we found a park to sit in. when I looked it up I was shocked at what I found, Minho must've been looking something else up cause he didn't have the same reaction to what I was reading

articles like: 

"The true heir to the MR company! Y/n Ryu!"

"Sudden disappearance of Y/n Ryu has everyone puzzled"

"Y/n Ryu presumed dead by the hands of scientists at the MR labs. her brother found sobbing at the scene"

they all had a picture of me at the top of the articles. then after searching a bit more I find yet another article "MR's Robert Ryu, charged with murder, believed to have killed his own sister to take over the company"

I was shocked to say the least. my own brother. I found his confession to my 'murder' in that article 

"yes I killed her! our father picked her when I as the oldest was the right choice! but instead he picked this small fragile little girl just cause he 'saw something in her' that's bull!! so I had to do what any sane person would... I pumped her full of drugs and serums till she gave, she was my guinea pig" the article said he was later legally diagnosed as insane. and the article explained not much later he killed himself leaving his son to take over the company.

my eyes widened 

"Hey did you find something?" Minho asked sitting up since he was laying on the grass, I looked at my phone with tears in my eyes. 

"My older brother was the one behind it..." I paused unable to say the next words "why did he do it though?" I set my phone down before looking into his eyes. "Cause I'm the rightful heir to the MR company..." Minho's eyes widened 

"he pumped me full of all those drugs cause he was trying to kill me, he wanted me gone so he could have the company and he got his wish... but the was 220 years ago" I explained running a hand through my hair.

"we have to tell the others!!" he said standing and I shook my head "No." I said looking up at him and he gave me a confused look "Why not?"

"I don't want anyone knowing about this they may look at me differently, and even if this is true about me being some kind of Heir, I only wanna use that authority in a life or death situation." I said 

"I understand" 

"once we stop this machine I will break it to everyone even the scientist, and I will start using the lab to research things for the good of humanity, and maybe reverse the immortality" I explained and he looked confused

"why reverse it?" He asked 

"Tell me do you wanna continue being immortal?" I asked and he looked down shaking his head "Yeah, that's exactly what I thought" I said as I stood up and we started walking back to the hotel

little did we know we had a surprise waiting for us on the way...

I've been busy with work, physical therapy, school, and planning at least 1 date a week with my bf not counting drivers ed and all the other doctors appointments ;-;
not even counting the fact I might have cancer :/ only a 10% chance but ya know still a chance

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