Chapter 14

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the entire group stopped in their tracks and looked at us as Chan looked at me and Jisung. "Is your English name Chris?" I asked simply and he nodded softly "okay next question, did you know a Kim Woojin?" I asked a second question and he nodded as confused as ever "What about Woojin?" he asked and I turned to Jisung

he stepped up and had tears in his eyes as he looked into Chan's with a sad and sorry expression written all over his face.

"I-I-" he cut himself off before he could finish. he took a deep breath before he continued 

"About 120 years ago, Woojin joined the gang with me. not long after he died cause he took a bullet for me, all I could do was sit there and stare at the man who shot at me till I was pushed out of the way by Woojin, that's when I learned, we are only immuned to age, not bullets. his last words were for you Chan" he said and when I looked at Chan I saw the tears falling from his eyes 

"He told me to tell you: Find the children, watch them grow, protect them and dont let them slip away, and fix. This." 

after those words Chan broke. I walked over to him and embraced him, his head layed on my shoulder as he sobbed "If you dont mind me asking, what did he mean by Children?" Minho asked. Chan calmed down a bit and stood tall and faced everyone

"you guys." he simply said making all of us give him a confused look "Woojin did a lot of volunteer work before the lab. he was such a kind soul, he'd be proud that he died the way he did, giving his life for another. when we were in the lab he escaped and found me, he told me that there were other kids, and we need to get them out that they don't deserve to be in that place."

he took a deep breath to try and calm himself more before continuing 

"they were using the others against him, I believe he said there were 9, but I think he got confused and meant to say 9 counting himself." he finished and I looked at the ground. that's when Chan spoke again

"How are we supposed to stop the machine, we no longer have the 9 we need..." he said looking off down the street lost in thought. I looked up and made eyes contact with Minho, he wanted me to tell them, I could tell by the way he looked at me but I gave him a glance the protested

I wouldn't know how to tell them that I'm the rightful owner of the HR company. I don't want them looking at me differently. it would be to much for me. they'd realize I could've stopped this a long time ago and I just didn't care enough to save the world.

that's when Chan looked up more determined then before "We can do it! I believe that we can do it as long as we find the other 2 we can get through it with the people we have" he looked at me with such a concerned look, and that's when I knew that he saw the look Minho gave me...

he's probably going to ask about it later, note to self don't get alone with Chan for a while. I just cant tell them. 

I just love him to much for him to hate me, not now not ever. 

That night I avoided Chan like the plague, I did not want him to bring it up, I didn't want him to asked questions and I really didn't feel like answering... cause Im not sure I know the answers either

how do you tell your boyfriend that you're the rightful owner to the company we are trying to bring down? that I might've been able to stop this a long time ago... but I didn't...

to be honest I was mad at myself for losing my memories, for not realizing I had powers like the other immortals, for not realizing I was immortal, and that I could've stop this before it even began. 

I was mad at myself for not being stronger

later that night Jisung came into my room, he gave me a look, similar to one Minho gave me, but he knew something was up and wanted to know

"you're not getting anything out of me" I pointed out while turning my back to him to do something else. "I'll tell you where the other immortals are if you tell me" he said and I turned to him with wide eyes "you know where the others are?" I asked in shock and he looked like he was thinking before he spoke "I don't know, do I?" 

I thought about it, we have roughly 27 days before the launch of the weapon, we have 2 people to find, that doesn't count for days we travel and time it takes to get a motel and eat food. I rather have everyone up front at least a few days before the attack, just so we can come up with a plan as to how we're going to raid the lab

there is a chance Jisung could be lying, but I don't know him well enough yet, he isn't showing any signs of lying in his posture or face. I let out a sigh before I let my hands fall to my sides

"I'm the rightful owner of the MR company, 200 years ago my brother put me in the lab with you guys to pump me full of drugs to kill me, he took over the company after the building burned down. not long after, he was arrested, but he had kids, and in a way the owner now is my great great great great nephew"

"does that mean you have powers too? and that you're immortal?" he asked with wide but also hopeful eyes

I nodded "Yes"

"So that's what you were hiding" I looked behind Jisung and saw Chan standing at the door.

Even So//Bang Chan X Reader {Completed}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang