Chapter 10

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me and Chan sat there with wide eyes as we replayed those words in our heads. a 10th person?! how is that possible?! I thought there were only 9... and we already found 4 and we were about to find more

"How reliable is this source?" Chan asked and I looked intently at the phone as if I could see Seungmin about to speak. "It was an old newspaper company that got shut down for a case of false articles..." he spoke and that's when I let out a breath 

"but think about it! it could be possible! a woman kept away from the men, with the same tests and injections, woman bodies would react differently than men's." Seungmin spoke, I mean he did have a point 

"And what if she never mad it out alive? granted it might be true, what is she never survived? there were times I thought I wouldn't make it out" the phone stayed silent till Chan spoke again "I appreciate you telling me this and being eager but you cant believe everything you hear on the internet Seungmin, now if you excuse me I have more important things to attend to" 

Seungmin tried explaining something more but Chan hung up refusing to listen to him spout things that might not even be true. then Chan turned to me, all he did was stare at me for a moment before unlocking the doors and saying

"call me if you need help packing"

the smile on his face told me he didn't just have a heart attack at that news but I knew better then to believe that smile. I placed my hand on his arm as he smiled "you're scared, I can see it. don't worry, even if there is another person, a woman. we'll find them!" I said with a genuine smile.

he smiled softly and nodded before I stepped out of the car and waving goodbye as I watched him drive out of sight. 

I walked into my apartment and took a deep breath before finding my suitcase and packing it with only the things I absolutely need. then I feel asleep for 4 hours


I woke up to someone knocking on my door, I get up, rubbing my eyes and walk to my door, opening it just too find Seungmin he was sweating with his hand on his knees bent over panting.

"What happened?" I asked and he shot up and walked into my apartment. he went to my laptop, he place hs hand on it then a ton of colors flashed on the screen before one article stayed and what I saw made my eyes widen

I looked at Seungmin "Did you tell Chan?" he shook his head. 

the big words at the top of the article spelled out "MR intedestries plan on launching a new product in exactly one month, he says its going to change the world"

more like end it

"we've got 1 month to find the other 5 test subjects, then somehow get into this facility and stop this dumb machine that we don't have a single idea on how to stop" I voiced my stressed thoughts as I ran my hands through my hair

"then the possibility of a 10th member" I stated and Seungmin's eyes widened "You believe me?!" he asked and I nodded my head. his face lit up "it would make a lot of sense since all the test subjects so far are men they'd want to try it on a woman and see if it had the same affect or an even better one."

"Exactly!!" he exclaimed. 

I looked at Seungmin with a serious expression "Can I ask you something?" I asked and he nodded with a soft "Of course" I took a deep breath

"as soon as I told Chan I'd be his... I got a flash... he killed himself" I spoke softly as tears appear in my eyes. "That cant be possible, he's immortal..." 

"That's what I thought, but the words I remember were. 'and in the end, his last thoughts were of the one he never stopped loving'"Seungmin's eyes widened "You" was all he said then suddenly it all made sense 

I'm not immortal like him... I'm going to die one day and the love he has for me is going to be what makes him take his own life...

just then Seungmin's eyes widened 

"YOU!!" he shouted before going back to the computer and searching up something.

soon a picture of me popped up on the screen 

"You're the 10th subject"

my eyes widened "This cant be possible. that's a fake, remember that information was not reliable" I explained trying to brush away the thought of it being the smallest bit true. but something in me was telling me it was true

"I'd remember it, you guys do after all. I don't remember much about my childhood" I explained and he nodded before shutting the computer off and turning to me "I mean it could just be your brain blocking off the traumatic events from your past. or it could be from the injections they gave you!!" he said and I shook my head refusing everything

"it cant-" he cut me off before I could finish

"you have the power to see how people die for crying out loud!" he exclaimed but before he could go on there was a knock on the door and soon Chan walked in with the other 3 behind him. he had a big smile on his face once he saw me. He walked up to me giving me a kiss on the cheek and wrapping a hand around my waist 

Hyunjin went to hug his lover as well as Chan asked me the question that made me realize this is all happening. "Are you ready?" I nodded "Yes, my luggage is over there I just need to grab it" I pointed to the said luggage, I was about to go grab it but he beat me to it, grabbing it and heading out the door thinking I was right behind him

I turn to Seungmin after the others left

"This stays between us"

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