Chapter 6

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he hung his head unable to speak. "Why are you afraid?" I asked softly as I walked closer to him. "they bring up memories I don't want to remember" he explained and my expression softened. just then I realized he was crying. I closed the distance between us and hugged him. 

"It's okay, you're safe now. you have friends that won't let anything happen to you. it's okay to remember the past, its been 200 years I don't think those people who hurt you are still alive" I explained with a soft smile as he pulled away drying his eyes with a nod.

"you're right," he said, his expression changed in seconds I could hardly tell I was looking at the same person. he looked like he was ready to take on the world.

we walked over and sat on the couch 

"so, one thing Felix never told me was why they were looking for everyone," I said positioning myself so I could look at him, he did the same.

"From what I understand the people who did this to us all those years ago, they're trying to create a weapon that could end the entire world. and only everyone's powers all together can stop it and shut it down for good" he explained and I nodded in thought.

"I'm planning on meeting up with Chan and Felix tomorrow for my next shift," I said looking at him. "You and Hyunjin should come with," I said and he thought about it for a moment before nodding. he pulled out his phone and texted Hyunjin. 

"we'll take you to work. but I'm going to head out so you can rest before your next shift" He said standing. I stood with him and gave him one last hug before showing him out the door and locking it behind him. I head to bed so I can get some sleep so I can be ready for my next shift


I woke up to my alarm ringing, I didn't get much sleep I had too much on my mind. but it wouldn't be the first time I went to work with very little sleep.

I got up and got ready for work. I grabbed my phone and my bag, by the time I got outside Hyunjin and Seungmin were already waiting for me. I got in the back seat cause the love birds need the front all to themselves

the drive over was pretty silent. once we arrive Hyunjin parked his car in the parking lot and we all walked in together. Hyunjin and Seungmin were hand in hand till we reached the door. they didn't want to come off strong like that to new people I could tell by the way they tensed up

I went inside and there was no sign of the 2 so I let my co-worker go on break as I clocked in and sat there waiting for the 2 in question.

I went back to get a box of things to stock the shelves, it was heavy to I was struggling to lift it. when I got up to the front suddenly the box didn't feel so heavy anymore, then I realized someone took it from my arms and placed it on the counter near the register 

I looked at the person and realized it was Chan

I wrap my arms around his neck as I'm on my tiptoes to reach his neck. he hugged me back instantly and buried his head in my neck

"Felix told me everything, I'm sorry," I said as he pulled away and shook his head "No it's my fault, I should've told you everything the day you found out I was immortal," he said with a soft smile that's when I heard someone cough behind him. we turned to see Felix 

"Do I not get a hug?" He asked and I laughed as I hugged him before introducing then to Hyunjin and Seungmin. "Seungmin has the power to collect info" I explained as he shyly waved and Felix's jaw dropped as Chan's eyes widen

"And Hyunjin has the power to create visions" 

Felix took me by the shoulders and started shaking me. "How did you find them?!" he asked as I laughed, he stopped shaking as I explain that Hyunin's my best friend and Seungmins his boyfriend.

"How did you even find out?" Chan asked and I explained how I found out last night, Seungmin and Hyunjin had things to put in here and there, but they were a bit shocked "Y/n how are you so smart?" Chan asked with a smile as he wrapped an arm around my waist from the side

I blushed slightly as I continue on with the plan I formed last night. "Can I join your team?" I asked happily. their eyes widened even Hyunjin and Seungmins. "but Y/n, we're looking for immortals to destroy a machine that could end off mankind as we know it" Seungmin explained 

"I know, and who better to help than a girl who can basically see death?" I did have a good point. it'd be a lot easier to find them with me on their team.

Chan and Seungmin had their doubts, but Hyunjin and Felix were down for it the minute I said something. it took some time to convince them, but they were finally on board after warning what might happen. and I assured them that I can take it

they went to discuss something at a restaurant across the street that's 24 hours, while I wrote a note to leave for my boss telling him I'll be quieting and that I was planning on traveling the world. I went into the back and put it on her desk

before I could go back up front someone snuck up from behind me and placed something cold on my lower back.

"I'm s-sorry but you're not allowed back here" I spoke cursing myself for the stutter "Shut up! I'm going to ask you a few questions, and if you answer correctly I'll let you go and we can forget this ever happened." he spoke and I nodded

"What are the immortals planning?"

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