"Five spoons of sugar, " he replies.

"Are you mad? You want to get diabetes," I almost yell.

This guy is crazy. I am so fed up with him. But don't tell me he is doing this because of Zara.

"No progress with her?" I inquire.

"She had just slept, that's the progress," he replies with a sarcastic smile. I purse my lips tight to halt a laugh at this.

"It's better than eating poison. Isn't it?" He takes the cup from my hand and gulps the whole sugarless coffee in one go. I look at coughing Shiaq with stun.

"You have become a majnu, my friend."

I gently pat his back in pity and drag my chair near to his.

"Look." I give a glass of water to him, " its absurd if you will ask her out this early. I mean, she doesn't even know you properly. Isn't it? So take your time and make her comfortable with you. If you do any haste, she will think of you as a flirt."

He stares at me with teary eyes; don't tell me he is crying.

"Shaiq, you are crying?" I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Yes, I am crying," he says as he rubs his eyes.

"Give me the water.".

I pass him the whole bottle which he swallows down his throat right after.

"Who told you to add so much coffee powder. I am dead right now, " he lets out as he holds his neck with his hands.

"Then you should have added the damn sugar," I spat.

"I am on dieting Zainab. And I can't eat sugar."

I look at him in surprise. So he has been doing all of this for the dieting. And I have been thinking he is doing this because of no settlement with Zara.

"Stupid, you make me worried, " I hit his arm.

"Stop hitting me already. We are not two years old anymore, " he says as he rubs his arm.

"Oh really?" I look at him with a smirk.

"Then treat me ice cream. Now!"

"Are you forgetting? I am on a diet, " he argues.

"Who is telling you to eat? Buy me one." I drag his arm and after some strive, he stands up.

"You are so dead," he yells and walks ahead of me.

"Fist care about your diet, " I shout as I rush to catch up with him.

Zara's POV

I pull the duvet on me as soon as I lay myself down on the comfy bed. So much has happened today. I feel my blood rush when thinking about how I hugged him. Seeing him coming back makes my eyes brightened with mitigation as my mind mop away the perspiration that has built a while ago due to scare, loneliness, and intimidation. It feels like I have gained my long lost thing back. The way his every touch sends enticing sensations in my whole body. Now I realize what the special connection is; people call as love. It's nothing but a feeling of trust, affection, and the feel of comforting ease with someone. Somewhere inside my heart, I have that strong belief that he can't leave me alone. I feel that special connection with him.

I get up and open the drawer on the side of the bed. The purple orchid is plopping gracefully on the surface of some white papers. I pick the flower in my hand as I support my back with the crown of the bed. It's still the same: refreshed and beautiful. I stroke its petals with my fingers. A smile appears on my lips remembering Armaan has given it to me.

'You should fall for someone who makes you comfortable, not the one who doesn't want to even change themself for you.'

And he makes me comfortable. I have never felt like this with anyone before. No one has ever made me this livable, not even Dad. I lift the flower near my nose; the candy-like smell of orchid again strikes my nostrils.

But I believe that don't let anyone force your feelings, your heart, and your sentiments."

The smile on my lips fades from my lips as his voice rings in my head. He loves someone else, Zara. You have fallen for someone who doesn't even like you, let alone love.

I throw the flower away as tears start welling up in my eyes. He is right, no one can force your feelings but when you yourself force your heart, its worst than the former.

Suddenly I start feeling suffocation in the room. It's like my lungs are feeling difficulty in respiration. I promptly get up and rush out of the room. To get some air, I walk towards the terrace where my eyes spot him. What is he doing here?


Salam guys!

First of all, Eid Mubarak to my Muslim readers.

Also, pardon me if you find any grammatical errors in this chapter as I haven't edited it properly.

How is the chapter? Don't forget to vote and comment. 😘💟

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