"He's waiting for you in his office," He says and then he leads me inside. We walk through the endless corridors until we finally reach what I assume to be Lazarus's office.

"I'm going to have to take your gun," The attendant says to me and my fingers tighten instinctively around my holder.

My hearts starts beating faster and faster as the attendant stares at me in annoyance with his hand held out, not looking at all frightened that I was holding on to my gun for longer than necessary.

"We aren't going to allow you in with that," His eyes narrow at my holster and my shoulders slump in defeat. I take out the gun and hand it to him and then he opens the door to Lazarus's office.

It's fine. There are many other ways to skin a serpent.

I walk in and study every little detail, hoping to find something I can use as a weapon. The walls in Lazarus's office are littered with pictures of him receiving all kinds of medals and certificates. I see him behind his desk but unlike Lucian who always has his head buried in his documents, Lazarus's table is empty.

The only thing I see sitting on top of it's smooth surface is a large bottle of liquor. Maybe I can use that to smash his smug looking face.

"Welcome Bone Breaker, take a seat," Lazarus says lazily. He takes a swig from his glass and leans back to look at me with his feet perched on top of the table. "I hear you've finally come to tell me what I've been dying to know."

I look behind me and see the attendant shut the door, leaving us alone. I walk over to his desk and something to my right catches my attention. It is a small trophy like structure with a large spike at it's top. It looks sharp enough to puncture skin.

My gaze then automatically falls to Lazarus's neck.

"Why did you do it?" I ask him in a voice devoid of emotion.

"Do what?" He smiles at me cheekily and my eyes narrow into knife edged slits.

"You promised not to kill her," I say, getting straight to the point.

"Do you honestly think I would let some human carry my child? The mere idea of it all is preposterous. I suppose I did promise your weakling lover but what can I say? Promises are meant to be broken, right Aria?" He pours some more liquor into his glass and takes a gulp.

My nails dig into my palms so hard, I feel a stinging sensation in my skin as I draw blood. I side eye the trophy again and mentally try to estimate how quick I would need to be to stab his neck. The problem is he is leaning too far back, I need to get him to come closer.

"I take it you have come here in defeat. I always get what I want and your precious Lucian will die soon as well. He deserves it after that stunt he pulled before we landed in Taygeta," Lazarus's lips pull back into a sneer and his eyes go dark. "Tell me his weakness and I will spare his life."

"You're right. You win," I admit suddenly and his eyes light up in surprise.

He leans forward looking interested and my communicator buzzes in my bag for the hundredth time before I dump it to the floor.

"Hurry up and tell me now. I have a date soon and you know how women are," He twirls his finger in the air frivolously and something about that gesture causes me to snap. Someone literally just died because of him and he's talking about his date for tonight.

I don't waste a second. The timing is perfect and he is leaning close enough for me to act. I grab the trophy in a rush and aim it's sharp edge directly at his neck. Lazarus's eyes widen in panic but he manages to grab my wrist before the spike goes deeper. It barely creates a scratch on his skin, all I see is a red line.

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