"Now that we have that situated, let's get back on topic. Mr.Kim was immensely uncomfortable with you staring at us when we arrived. I even had to turn on the glass projection. We want to welcome all of our clients with a nice demeanor, not as if they are mythical creatures. Despite your fiery interest in him, from now on you all must refrain from staring so hard. Clear?"

"Yes, ma'am." They all say in unison.

"Good, you may all go home now. Have a good evening." I permit them.


When I arrive home I drop my keys on the coffee table and my purse on the couch.

"Hey, Y/N. How was your day?" Seolhee asks from a seat on the kitchen's island counter. She already has food ordered; pizza, cheesy breadsticks, and chicken wings. In the midst of all the food stood a tall bottle of Coca-cola.

My favorite.

"It was pretty good Seol though, my employees are too nosy for their own good sometimes," I answered. I quickly go to the bathroom to wash my hands. I came back and sat down beside her. We continue our conversation over our dinner.

"So, how did Mr.Kim take the rejection?" I put my slice of pepperoni pizza down.

"You see the thing is," I nervously laugh and looks away, "I didn't decline his case"

"Wait, Wait. So you're telling me I helped you make a pros and cons list for no reason. Such a waste of time." She sighs.

"That's not true! I really was going to do it but then, something happened. While on my way back from lunch with Namjoon, I saw-"

"YOU HAD LUNCH WITH NAMJOON?? WHO IS HE?? WHY WASN'T I INFORMED??!!" she exclaims, seeming offended.

"He's the man that returned my documents to me when they fell in the parking lot a few weeks ago. I knew you'd drag me about it. I've had to explain too many times already that we're just friends." I defend myself.

"Fine, you get a pass. Continue." She grants.

"I saw Mr.Kim walking across the street. I wanted to catch up to him so I could reject him over coffee before going back to the office. I followed him to an alley and overheard his conversation on the phone with his father. The reason he is running his part of the partnership of the laundromat with his uncle is that his dad is injured. His dad was originally Partner A of the building but it was passed down to Taehyung at what I assume a young age. He could end up on the streets, him and his dad. I don't want to be one who turns a blind eye. Also, I understand what it's like not to have anyone who believes your side of the story."

"Wahhh, look at pro Y/N. I must say I am a proud friend." I smile at these words. "Now, back to Namjoon. What does he look like? How was your first time eating with him?"

"Technically, it's our second time eating together. He's tall, well dressed, and has broad shoulders. His face is a kind one, calm brown eyes, dimples, and a stellar smile. The first time we ate together was a week ago, it was a meal to show my gratitude. A few questions here and there. We talked about basic things like our jobs. He had to go in the middle of it and said he'd like to schedule another meal without interruptions. I obliged and we set it up for today. We dove a little more into our interests; exclusively books. It was refreshing and the food was good. In the end, he asked if we could make this a weekly thing and I agreed."

"Hmmm, I ship it! He sounds like a man that suits you!" She squeal. I roll my eyes.

"Just eat your food."

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