(9:45) -Cheryl-
That's not conclusive, old people have terrible eyesight.

(9:46) -Cheryl-
Update: the old lady believed it.

(9:48) -Toni-
I can't believe I'm your boyfriend.

(9:49) -Cheryl-
Trust me, I'm just as surprised as you are. Although my parents believe you are, so far.

(9:50) -Toni-
Guess you can show your parents that same picture now.

(9:51) -Cheryl-
Hey guys, great news! I'm not as gay as originally thought.

(9:52) -Toni-
That's splendid news, dear! Congratulations!

(9:52) -Cheryl-
I'm just happy to make you proud, Mother nightmare and father demented

(9:53) -Toni-
You've made me very happy (wipes a tear) and I'm proud to call you my daughter

(9:53) -Cheryl-
The scary thing is, my mother would be likely to say 'splendid'.

(9:54) -Toni-
I've channeled her soul to make this role play as accurate as possible.

(9:55) -Cheryl-
Oh my god, don't call it a role play.

(9:55) -Toni-
Play pretend?

(9:55) -Cheryl-
Yes, much better, thank you.

(9:57) -Toni-
Are you still at the market?

(9:57) -Cheryl-
Yes. The place is flooded and

(9:58) -Cheryl-
I've lost my mum.

(9:58) -Cheryl-
I'll talk to you later.

(9:58) -Toni-
Good luck finding that demon of yours


(10:15) -Cheryl
I called her and asked her where she was.

(10:15) -Cheryl-
"By the fresh produce stall"

(10:15) -Cheryl-
That's great, Mother, but which one?


(10:56) -Toni-
Sorry, eating late breakfast

(10:56) -Toni-
Did you find her by the produce?

(10:59) -Cheryl-

(11:00) -Cheryl-
I got a ten minute lecture about how much texting I do.

(11:01) -Cheryl-
I'm getting it again. Talk to you later.


Saturday PM

(3:42) -Toni-
We still good for tonight?

(3:43) -Cheryl-
Yes. I will be there at eight outside of the Three Scoops

(3:45) -Toni-
Good, excellent. It's just, it wouldn't be our plans if we didn't obsess over every detail of meeting

(3:46) -Cheryl-
Of course. I'll check in a few hours if you're still able to make it.

(3:47) -Toni-
I appreciate it.


(6:12) -Cheryl-
So are you still able to make it tonight?

(6:13) -Toni-
Wow, I didn't think you'd actually do it.

(6:15) -Cheryl-
You doubted my sarcasm?

(6:16) -Toni-
I doubted your dedication to the joke.

(6:19) -Cheryl-
I'm very dedicated. Now answer the question.

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