Chapter Six: Crush

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"What?" I asked in return. I don't know what I just did as my hand automatically returns. What have I done? I must be crazy. I am crazy.

"W-What did you just say?" She asked. I can't read her emotions. Gosh, what to do? She's so pretty. Focus, Kim Namjoon.

"A song lyric! Yes, how was it?" She pouts and studies me for a while. Please, buy my bullcrap.

She chuckles and looks away, "It's alright, I thought you were talking about me with the gesture and all."

"Oh... It was just to give you the feels." I let out a forced laugh, is it hot here? "We must go back, everyone is probably looking for us."



"A song lyrics?" I nodded, "Is it just me or you're getting too good at lying?"

Seokjin laughs and clapped his hands, I rolled my eyes. I knew somewhere deep down that I shouldn't have went to Seokjin for advices, but I still did it anyway.

"Hyung, please. Let's be serious." I sighed and dropped on his bed beside him.

He paused his laptop and looked at me, "You like her?"

"I don't even know, I spent one day with her and she's just so sweet and lovely." I replied, I remembered the moments vividly. She's beautiful inside and out, I can tell.

"Tell me, how do you feel when you're talking to her or when you're with her." He said and closed his laptop and put it down on his night stand.

"I feel happy...? I don't know, I remember the nights were I was tired and one text message from her and I'm alive again. I can't stop admiring her beauty, her everything." I sighed and looked at the ceiling.

"You're fine," Jin said as he tapped my chest, "I believe what you have is just simply a crush."

"A crush?"

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"A crush?"

"That would be a nice way to put it but..." Jisoo said as she tapped her chin, "I still strongly believe he likes you."

"Me too," Chaeyoung said as she raised her hand and munched on her sandwich.

"But we don't know for sure, maybe he's just really messing with your head." Lisa said as she tied her hair and prepared her cereals. It was midnight and we had gathered in the living to eat some midnight snack. I rolled my eyes, she's such a hater.

"Let's just not think much about those boys, okay?" Jisoo said and we all nodded while munching on our food, "Our comeback is near and we need to be a hundred percent focused. Lisa, quit stressing about Jungkook. Jennie, try not to contact him and if he gets clingy then we'll get our answers. Chaeyoung, he still hasn't replied yet?"

Chaeyoung frowns and nodded sadly, I pout and gave her a side hug.

"It's okay, quit texting him. Everybody clear?" We all nodded.


"Ha! How you like that!"

It was finally our comeback. The love we received was very overwhelming, our fans are seriously the best. I sat in my bed, we got the day off after a very busy week. I looked at my phone and it's been a month and still no texts, last I heard was he's preparing stuff for their comeback and I've been busy as well.

My phone dings, startling me a bit. I pick it up and my heartbeat increased as I see his name pop up in my notifications.

Namjoon Oppa: Congratulations on your comeback 🎉🎊 You looked so cool in the music video😱🤯

My heart flutters and I immediately type a response,

Me: Uwu🥺 Thank you, Oppa. Stay Gold is a beautiful song💛

Namjoon Oppa: There's this sushi place, I'd like to congratulate you in person

Namjoon Oppa: 🥺👉👈 can I?

I bit my lip and sighed, I looked up the ceiling and thought of an answer.

Me: Sure, I'd love| erase
Me: I love sushi| erase
Me: That's lovely, but I have to ask permission from my manager and the agency first.

Sent. Read.

Namjoon Oppa: Right, you do that. I'll be waiting for your response so text me as soon as you got it so I can make reservations.

Me: Sure~

Namjoon Oppa: It's a date, btw.

My jaw dropped. That came out of nowhere. What do I reply? I panicked.

"Why did you send that?!" I yelled at Taehyung who clicked send when I was just jokingly typing it

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"Why did you send that?!" I yelled at Taehyung who clicked send when I was just jokingly typing it.

"You were annoying me with your loud ass keyboard and mumbling. Be a man and decide at once, what the hell?" He said as he stood up, "Hyung, if you like her then be straightforward about it. Quit beating around the bush."

"Wow, you've dated before?" I asked sarcastically. Taehyung has never even dated before, he hasn't figured out his type yet.

He rolled his eyes, "Look. If you tell her and she rejects you, you can back away. The earlier the better, feelings grow deeper as time passes by. If she likes you back, congratulations, it's a miracle, buddy."

After he said that, Taehyung stood up and pat my shoulders. I let out a sigh, "It's really not that easy."

"There's no such thing as easy. If everything was easy then that's not living." He said and my phone vibrates and I check it.

Kim Jennie-ssi: See you tomorrow night?

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