Chapted 120-Why is he back

Start from the beginning

I closed the door and went inside. I had so much anger inside of me. I wanted to get high, I didn't want to feel that pain Rachel caused me

I called Riley, but she didn't answer. I then texted her, no reply. I couldn't talk to my psychiatrist because he'll tell Aidan since it involves him.

I called Noah.

"Hey can you come over, I don't want to be alone right now" I said

"Yeah, I'll be there in 20" he said

I went up to the roof and sat there, waiting for Noah. I wasn't gonna tell him I had a drug problem, only certain people knew. I saw his car pull up and he came out of it. He grabbed the ladder and went on the roof.

"Thanks for coming" I said

"Of course, anytime" he said

I sat there with Noah

"What's wrong?" He asked

He knew something was wrong

"Aidan is saying his ex who hurt me. Remember when I came over that day and slept over. It's the same girl" I said

"Are you sure" he asked

"Yes, I have picture proof" I said

I pulled out my phone and showed him the pictures. He pulled me into a tight hug, he knew how bad Rachel was to me. He believed me

"I started trusting all of my brothers again, and Aidan pulls this" I said

"I know, I'm sorry this happened. Just stay away from Rachel and Aidan. It sucks, knowing he lied." He said

"Why couldn't everything go back to normal" I said

"Everything happens for a reason" he said

I nodded

We continued sitting on the roof watching the stars.

We saw Aidan's car pull up.

He got out of his car and looked up

"Noah go home" Aidan yelled

"Ok Aidan" Noah yelled back

"Just stay away from Rachel and Aidan. As of right now Aidan doesn't know you know about them" he said

"Ok, I love you" I said

"Love you too" he replied

He climbed down the ladder and I saw him drive away. I went back to my room and sat on my bed. I went downstairs to grab some snacks, I saw Riley in Andrew T-shirt. She was here the whole time

"Oh Lexi" she said awkwardly

"You were with my brother?" I questioned

I was angry, she was my sponsor first not Andrews girlfriend.

"Lexi list-" she said before cutting her off

"No, no, I'm finding a new sponsor. Have fun with Andrew" I said

"Lexi let me explain" she said

"No, you were my sponsor first, you were suppose to be there. I know you can have your own life, but you were with my brother out of everyone" I said

"You knew about my family problems, yet you date one of them who caused it" I said

I walked away without letting her talk.

I went to my room and locked the door. I slid down to the side of my bed, my knees to my chest. My head in my palms.

It was suppose to be better, I was suppose to have a better life. I went to my closet and found the box I was hiding.

Everyday after school I go to the bank and withdraw 150 dollars from aidans card he gave me. The day I turn 18 I will be leaving, and never turning back. Not only I'll have this money but I'll have the money I took out. Maybe in the future I'll call them, but as of right now when I turn 18 I'm going forward with my life without my brothers.

I had a plan for everything, to make sure no one knew me, or no one knows where I am.

I put the box away and went to bed.

It was now Monday and I was about to head into Noah's signing day.

I stepped inside and sat in one of the front seats.

They introduced him and told him about himself. He grabbed the pen and signed the paper. He finally committed to Stanford.

We all clapped and were proud of him. After that, I got up and went towards him. I waited until his parents and Chloe congratulated him. I went afterwards

"Congratulations, it's official" I said hugging him

"Yes it is" he said

"Here let me get you a picture of your family" I said

"Thank you Lexi" his mother said

She gave me her phone and I started taking a bunch of pictures of them.

"Here let me take pictures of you two" she said

I handed her my phone and she took pictures of us. They felt more like family then my own at home. It was sad knowing I would be saying goodbye to them soon.

After taking pictures Noah and his family went to have dinner together, they kept insisting for me to come but I politely declined.

I drove home and went to my room to start my homework. After doing homework, I went downstairs to grab dinner.

When I went downstairs, Robert was here. My "father"

"Lexi, I'm so glad to see you" Robert said all cheerful

I hated Robert again, more like despise him.

"Robert" I said

He was confused why I was very hesitant and didn't want to talk to the guy who also made my life hell.

"When did he come back" I said

"He is your father" Aidan said

I scoffed

"Like he has ever been one" I said

I grabbed the dinner and went back upstairs

Why is he back, I was fine without him.

I eat my dinner and then go to bed

It's been less than 2 weeks and I find out Aidan never dumped Rachel, and Robert is back.

Can my life get any worse?


Hey guys hope you liked this chapter. Will her life get any better? Will it get worse? Find out next time, see you later byeeeeee

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