Chapter 48-Pack your bags

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We got into Nick's car and drove to the waterfalls. We blasted music and it was amazing. The wind was in my hair, hands up and it felt like I was free. We got to the place where we had to hike to get to the waterfalls. The hike was about a mile and half.

While hiking down I didn't realize the rocks were wet and I was waiting for me to feel the pain, but instead two strong arms caught me

"Thanks" I said

"Don't want you to get hurt" he replied with a smile

We continued the trail and finally reached it.

Holy shit it was beautiful. The water was blue but not dirty. It would sparkle whenever the sun hit it. There was a rope for people to swing off of. It was pretty high up, and I'm not totally afraid of heights but it scares me a bit.

Katelyn and I took off our shorts and the boys took off their shirt.

"Come on Lexi, you have to jump off the rope" Luke said

"Noo, it's too high up" I said

" I will push you myself" Luke said

"No no don't" I said

"You go first" I said

"No I have to make sure you go" Luke said

"Here I'll go" nick said

Nick grabbed the rope and held onto it and let go once he was off the cliff.

"Your turn" Luke said

I grabbed the rope, nervous as hell

"Do I have to" I whined

"Goo" he said

I ran off the cliff  holding the rope and let go once I was off. I landed in water faster than I thought. I guess it wasn't too high

"Woooo that was awesome" I said

"I told you" nick replied

I saw Luke get in then Katelyn. We hung out in the water for couple more hours, it was starting to set and we decide to go back before it gets dark. We hiked back up and went to the car. We ordered food since by the time we reached the hotel the restaurant would be close. Nick picked it up and we ate in the car.

We all talked and we got to know each other. Majority of it was us laughing about the most random shit.

We reached back to the hotel, nick and Katelyn went back to there room and nick and I went back to mine, since nick and Katelyn kept dropping hints for them to be alone.

We went into the elevator and got to my floor,

"You know you're cute right" Luke said

"I know" I said with a smirk

He went in for a kiss, and I kissed him back. I grabbed my key and inserted it in. I opened my door and we kept kissing.

Someone cleared their throat and it scared us.

The lights were still off, so we didn't know who it was

The lamp turned on and I saw 4 familiar pair of eyes and 1 unfamiliar but he had the same eye color as us.

"Oh shit" I said

I saw all of them angry and I don't even know the fifth dude.

I turned around and I gave Luke a "run" look. He quickly turned around and left without saying anything.

"Pack your things" Aidan said

"Are you serious, you're the one who walked out on me" I said

"After you told us we aren't family" Andrew said

"Because you didn't treat me like one" I replied

"Alexis pack you bag or we will pack it for you" Aidan said

"Firstly, who's him" I pointed towards the unfamiliar guy.

"Your brother, Ace" Aidan said

My jaw dropped, I didn't know I had another brother. Why didn't they tell me about him before, why now?

"WHAT, Why am I just meeting him now?" I asked

"He was out of country doing business, we wanted for you to meet him when he came back." Andrew replied

"Bullshit" I replied

"ALEXIS, get your bag now" Aidan shouted

"No" I said

"Alexis Whitmore Valentino , I said get your damn bag" he shouted

"And I said no" I replied

Aidan quickly got up grabbing the cloth, shit I know what was on that cloth.

Chloroform. Ok

I quickly turned around and ran out of my room. I ran down every corner trying to get away. My brothers still on my track. I hid behind a corner near the elevator. I didn't see my brothers I thought I was safe. They tried fucking drugging me. This is not what family do . I didn't see my brother until I felt the cloth on my nose and lips.

"Say night night" Aidan whispered

I tried not breathing it but eventually I did.

Everything went black, and I was out.

I woke up disoriented, I didn't know where I was. I felt restrained.

I looked down and there was a seatbelt on, but I was in Hawaii just a couple hours ago.

Everything came back, my brothers showing up, Luke and I. Everything

"Looks like someone is awake" Ryan said

"What the fuck, you fucking drugged me and basically kidnapped me." I said

"Alexis we are bringing you home, you weren't cooperating with us so that's the only way" Andrew replied

"No, that is not my home and it will never" I said

"Alexis, this will always be your home whether you like it or not" Andrew said

I just scoffed.

I went to look for my phone, but I couldn't find it

"Where is my phone" I asked

"Oh you mean this, yeah you can't have it" ace said holding up my phone

"What the fuck, give it back" I said

"Hey, I know your rules no cussing. I'm older than you" ace said

"Yet you act like a toddler" I mumbled

"LEXI" Andrew shouted

"You were right about her" Ace said to Ryan

We landed after an hour, but I wasn't getting out of my chair

"Alexis, let's go" Andrew said

I didn't listen and sat there

Ace grabbed me and put me over his shoulders.

"What the fuck Ace, let me down" I yelled

"No I don't think so" he said

He carried me out of the plane and into the car. We had one car and we drove in silence.

We reached home and Ace hand gripped my upper arm, and pushed me inside the house. I tried running upstairs but Jaden and blocking the stairs.

Ace holding my upper arm pushed me on the couch. I landed on the couch with all of my brothers standing opposite of me arms folded. Extremely pissed off.

"Alexis, do you even know what you did" Aidan asked


Hey guys hoped you liked this chapter. What do you think will happen to Lexi, find out next chapter see you later byeeeee.

Also Ace is 20, he is older then Jaden and Ryan but younger then Aidan and Andrew)

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