Chapter 63-We won

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We started playing, we were on teams.

Audrey and James

Jack and I

Jenna and Alex

Izzy and Sean

So far jenna and Alex were winning but jack and I were close.

It was a bit cold and this jacket didn't help.

"You want my sweatshirt" jack asked

"No it's fine you'll be cold then" I said

"I'll be fine, here" he said as he took of his sweatshirt.

"Thank you" I said

I took off my jacket and put the sweatshirt on, I then put the jacket back on.

It was the last hole, Jenna and Alex took 4 tries to get in the hole, we needed to get 3.

"You got this Lexi" jack said

I lightly tap the ball and it went in

"WE WON" I shouted

Jack ran you and picked me up to spin me.

He put me down afterwards

"We make a great team" he said

"Yeah, we should team up more often" I said

We all got some dessert and ate at the table.

"Lexi where have you been for the past 4 months" Audrey asked

"Umm very very long story" I replied

"Well we got time" she said

"Well, I got grounded, and then from that grounding I started taking drugs again. When I was in New York I kinda got addicted but I got better. So when I got grounded I got really depressed and drugs are the only thing that made me feel something. I overdosed on it and I went into a coma for 3 months. After that I went to rehab." I said.

I couldn't tell them about the kidnapping.

"Wow, when we saw you at your party we just thought you went back to New York, but when we heard about it we were shocked" Audrey replied

"Yeah sorry I didn't text any of you guys, I should have but I didn't have my phone" I replied

"It's ok, we are happy you're back though" Izzy said

We all talked more and finished our ice cream.

we all said our goodbyes and headed off to the parking lot.

"Lexi lets go" Ryan said

We went into his car.

"Did you have fun Lexi" Kenzie asked

"Yeah, it was nice being out again" I replied

"Who's sweatshirt is that" Ryan asked

"Umm jennas" I said

"Lexi I know you're lying" Ryan replied

"Ryan it's a sweatshirt" Kenzie said

All of my brothers need girlfriends if they are gonna be nicer.

"Lexi" he said

"It's jack, I got cold so he gave me it" I said

"Why didn't you come find me I would have given you mine" he said

"Because what if Kenzie got cold" I replied

"Don't bring Kenzie into this" he said

"I'm just saying" I said putting my hands up

Kenzie was giggling over this

"What are you laughing about" Ryan asked

"You guys are fighting over a sweatshirt" she said

I started laughing from her laugh and Ryan started laughing. The car was filled with laughter.

We dropped off Kenzie at her house

"Bye Kenzie" I waved from the car.

"Bye Lexi" she said

Ryan got out of the car and dropped her off at the door. I moved to the front seat, and I saw Ryan kiss Kenzie

Awww, my brother is in love

He came back into the car

"Someone's in love" I said teasing him

"Shut up" he said

"Ryan's has a crush"I teased

"Lexi, shut up" he said


He turned the music really loud

I rolled my eyes, he really thinks I'm gonna let this go.

We drove home and all of the cars were there and someone's else's. Probably Aidan's mystery girl.

We walk into the house

"WE ARE HOME" I yelled

I stepped into the kitchen and my eyes made contact with the piercing blue eyes


I know I know it's a very short chapter. I wanted to leave it on a cliffhanger so I made it short. Next chapter will definitely be longer. Who do you think the person is. Find out next time see you later byeee

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