Chapter 65-Its your fault

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TRIGGER WARNING: this chapter contains the topic of suicide.

I met up with Sophia at the place.

"Hey Sophia" I said

"Hey Lexi, I haven't seen you in a while" Sophia said

"Yeah i haven't been able to" I replied

We head into the meeting and heard peoples story, I didn't go up but it felt better to be there. There was a little meet and greet did people who needed sponsors. I wanted to get one especially if Robert and Aidan will be up my ass 24/7.

Sophia found a sponsor right away, and pretty much everyone had one besides a couple of people.

"Hi" someone said

I turned around to face a woman in her early 20s

"Hi" I said

"I'm rylie" she said

"I'm Lexi" I replied

"Are you looking for a sponsor?" She asked

"Yeah" I replied

"If you don't mind me asking but what are you in for" she asked

"Oxy" I replied

"Oh ok" she said

"What about you" I asked

"Coke" she replied

"Do you want to go down the street to this cafe and talk more. Only if you're comfortable"

"Yeah of course" I replied

We both went in our own car and drove down.

We got the cafe. We talked a bit and we had each other's number. She was really nice and helped me, and told each other our story.

"It was great to meet you, and thank you for taking me as a sponsee" I said

"Of course, and I don't care if it's 4am at night you can always call. Thats why I am here" she said

"Again thank you so much" I said

"Of course, Ill see you soon" she said

"See you later" I replied

I left and felt good. Finding a sponsor, and knowing other people's story. I knew I wasn't alone.

I pulled up to the house and I knew hell was gonna break loose.

I parked the car and went inside.

"Alexis, can we see you in the kitchen" Aidan yelled

Fuck, this is gonna be fun

I walk into the kitchen and everyone is there.

"Where were you?" He asked

"At a meeting" I replied

"Alexis we know you're lying, just tell us where you were" ace said

How did he know I was lying

"How do you know I'm lying" I said

"Lexi answer the question" Aidan said

"No, answer mine. How do you know I'm lying" I said

"Wait, how do you know where I was when I was kidnapped?" I asked

It now hit me, they are tracking me

"Holy shit, are you guys tracking me" I said

"Yes of course we are tracking you, that's how we know your safe." Andrew said

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