Chapter 4

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The village was lazily waking up from cold night, sounds of little kids running around and people going to work slowly filling the streets. Cold breeze was flowing through the whole valley, making tall pine trees move and spread around the beautiful smell. Life was slowly filling the nature once again after cold, deadly night, sun uncovering sleeping baby foxes cuddling with their moms and rabbits hopping around the river. Everyone was on their feet and working when George finally woke up.

He was a heavy sleeper and every morning he had to be woken up by Dream, who was always doing his best to be soft on his best friend, but often he had to make a difficult decision of slapping him across the face.

Today he was woken up by smell of beef coming from outside. It was weird sensation to feel at the morning when breakfast was supposed to be served, but a quick glance at the clock made him realize that it was already a lunchtime and that he slept through the half of a day. What a waste of precious time.

George was wondering if Dream also missed their everday wake up call.

He stood up and tried to call out Dream's name after he discovered that he obviously wasn't in the room. Dream never slept through the morning, maybe he just went out for a walk, or he was having a lunch outside, probably making the whole village laugh as they were eating up every word he said.

George listened to the sounds of the village, waiting to hear Dream's voice, but then he saw a piece of paper on his nightstand. He felt a small tug on his stomach, like something heavy dropped down and made him gag a bit. Something wasn't right.

He reached for the paper and read the text his best friend left behind, suddenly feeling very scared and alone.

„Dream, what have you done?"


„So when are you letting me out?" Dream asked as he was sitting on the floor, watching the flames in fireplaces rise up and go down.

„Letting you out? Who gave you the idea of me doing that?" Technoblade replied back, not even lifting his gaze from his little DIY project.

For the past an hour he was making Dream watch him clean up after his little assassination attempt, trying to come up with way to sew expensive leather back together. He was slowly getting frustrated as he was fucking up his loved chair more and more. Every little mistake made his heart ache and he was pretty sure that it was all because of his big rough hands. He wasn't used to this kind of delicate work, he was much more confident with heavy things like hammer or sword, carrying the whole armor or shield. Who would have thought that it would be a tiny needle that would make him lose his mind.

„I just thought that it would be in your best interest to kill me but here I am, being spoiled with wine and food, not even being tied up." he showed him his handcuffs as a proof. "You can just let me go, I am just taking up space."

„Yeah, that's a good idea," Techno replied sarcastically. „Letting you go back to village, telling everyone where I live so they can raid my home and kill me, no thank you."

„I promise I wont tell anyone." Blonde man spoke. „I have better things to do than go after you and ruin your life for the sake of money."

„Oh sure you do. That's why you came in middle of the night and tracked me down, even going through the deep dark forest, that's why you climbed the mountain." Techno finally looked at him. „Also... this isn't about money. This is about honor. This is about you feeling good about yourself."

„Of course it isn't, I know I am good."

„Whatever you say." Techno shrugged and went back to sewing, making the whole room silent and the atmosphere a bit awkward.

Direct action (Dream x Technoblade)Where stories live. Discover now