"You ever been to the ballet before?" Quinn asked as they stepped through the door to their balcony, and faced the beautiful theatre interior, all gleaming gold and velvet red.

Gavin's eyes swept the opulent surroundings, "No."

"You're in for a treat. Kat's a pro." Quinn smiled as she sank onto one of the chairs, shrugging her jacket off before slipping it over the back of the chair.

"I'm sure. Which ballet was it, again?"

"Sleeping Beauty," Quinn supplied, reaching into her bag for the flyer of the program, "Here."

Gavin took it, frowned at the paper, before he glanced back at Quinn again. Before he could ask, Quinn moved.

"Oh, I forgot."

She fumbled with her bag again, withdrew the case for his reading glasses. He took them carefully before plopping them on the bridge of his nose, and Quinn's heart hitched as she watched him read the flyer.

It was a weakness of hers, whenever she saw him in the worn leather armchair at their home, glasses on, peering into one of the many books Quinn had brought with her when she moved in. They'd already filled a number of the bookcases on the first floor, but the troves of scientific novels and journals Eylem had given them as a housewarming gift had required them to install a few more.

To no one's surprise, Adina had gotten them some fancy whiskey. Sarraf had supplied a rack of jeweled daggers, nestled on a velvet cushion in an ornate box. Somehow, it was a fitting addition to their living room.

As the theater filled with people, the quiet was shoved aside by the chatter of guests. It filled the spacious room, voices rising as the red velvet seats were filled by a number of the people streaming in from various entrances.

Twenty minutes passed before all seats were filled, and Quinn spent the time explaining to Gavin the finer points of ballet, as well as the role Kat would be dancing in. Another fifteen passed before the lights dimmed, the musicians playing the first soft notes of the start.

The curtain slid aside, and the premiere had started.


Hours passed before the curtains closed once more. Quinn rose from her chair, and Gavin was quick to hold her jacket for her, helping ease her arm into the sleeves. Another favorite move of his, one Quinn had found made her positively melt whenever they went out to dinner.

They took their time exiting the balcony, walking languidly to the exit of the theatre. They slipped away from the crowd lingering by the front doors, navigating by the light of a phone as they headed right for a nearby street. There was, supposedly, a café nestled somewhere along the length of said street, and they'd been encouraged to escape there after the performance.

They found it quickly enough, swift to slip through the door and the warmth of the interior. A coffee grinder rumbled noisily in the background, the sharp tang of the beans permeating the air. Jazz lulled in the background, mixing with the soft conversations from other guests. Gavin beelined for a corner table with three chairs, while Quinn went ahead and ordered.

Minutes later, she carried two coffees to their table. The beverage steamed as she placed it on the table, a welcome blast of hot air from the cold chill of fall reigning outside. Gavin was the first to sip, hands cradling the cup as he watched Quinn over the rim of his cup.

Much like she was prone to do, he would reminisce over the past few months. He knew that made him a hypocrite, seeing as he often made sure to keep Quinn's mind out of the shadows of the past and focused on what they had now, on what their futures had in store. However, he found he just couldn't help it — mind tossed back to those first chaotic weeks, the last turbulent days before Kent had been carted off.

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