Chapter Eleven: Eat me Break me Take My soul

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Today The traveller visits the Multiverse by   containing 'Little Soul Destroyer' Please be aware the story they visited is being rewitten or was by the time you read this so no longer cannot for WinterCherryX

The traveller had known, from the moment they slipped in that this wouldn't be the multiverse to stay.

Something wicked had happened.

The balance was tilting to far into creation.

They wondered what type of multiverse this would be.

An Truely insane Error?

An Error who gave Up?

The fallen int the void route?

Error killed... was one he saw too often.

The rare Error reincarnated himself one?

An Error who was once Geno, who had freed himself to be Geno again.

Or the worst one..

The Imprisoned Error route.

Why that was the worst one, it had three routes he'd come across so far.

Ink Stealing Error's soul for his own, leaving error soulless.. what followed was never good.

The second route, was Error sealed in something. Fate.. usually created a new destroyer.

Then the Final route, Error still sealed but fate taking half his soul and creating a new Destroyer from it or giving that piece a second chance at life.

(I feel ill) Palette replied.

((Something has gone horribly wrong)) Goth replied unhappily, together they sped forward using there magic to stay invisible to all senses.


Pain radiated ahead...

The traveller could feel both emotional and bodily pain.

Right now, he wished that he didn't have the ability to sense emotions from Palette.

Feedback was.. well a botch

Wait.. did there thoughts get censored.

Well, a fresh was definitely about.

They paused invisibly outside a room, the pain radiated from here.

At the edges of there senses they could feel others, none thankfully close.

Huh.. The dark sanses.

(Oh! A version of uncle Nightmare!) Palette chirped.

((I think... we'll find out which route this is inside)) Goth replied unhappily, and with that glitched through the door.

The room was dark, the only light coming from a window. The Traveller noticed that it seemed to be a mix of bedroom and hospital room, the air was filled with the bitter smell of medical supplies. An IV was by the bed, a figure too small under the covers there the source of all the pain.

Gently they walked over, and had to fight back the urge to be sick.

Someone had caused a lot of damage to this small monster.

(It's an alternate of my mother) Palette said horrified.

((Why did Fate choose a Dreamtale, that Tale I've yet to see a happy ending)) Goth thought, gently they reached out and hovered there hand above the broken skull.

"I can't restore what was lost, but i can help with the pain," the Traveller whispered, and focused. Underneath his magic the tiny Dream seemed to relax a bit, the Traveller sighed a bit when he discovered he could only heal the edges of the damage. But this would help a bit, the gap would be slightly smaller.

He moved to move away when eh paused, as something gently tugged on his arm. Turning a bit he blinked, the unconscious tiny Dream was awake.

"Brother...." Dream whispered weakly.

"Sleep, you need rest," the Traveller told him.

"No.. You'll leave Moonlight," Dream cried.

Gently The traveller sat down beside Dream, no matter there Origins, this Dream was still a child.

"How about a song..." he asked.

"Mmm... sure," Dream said cuddling closer to him, gently the Traveller began to sing.

The other night dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head and I cried

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

I'll always love you and make you happy
If you will only say the same
But if you leave me and love another
You'll regret it all some day

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

You told me once, dear, you really loved me
And no one else could come between
But now you've left me and love another
You have shattered all of my dreams

You are my sunshine, my...

"Sleep tight Dream," Traveller whispered as Dream fell back to sleep, he gently re tucked him in.

((We should leave him a gift!)) Goth said.

(Good idea! It will be quite awhile til he recovered to get around by himself) Palette said, smiling the traveller pulled forth there magic and condensed it into physical form.

He'd learned this trick in a strange multiverse in an AU, where supplies to build rarely fell into the underground and they learned to use magic to create. He rarely used it, as it took a lot of magic but this seemed to be a good time.

Twenty minutes later he placed the gift on the side table, it was a pair of comfy black boots that went up half way to the knee on the sides and toe area were engraved with crescent moon and stars in gold and silver. The engravings shimmered with magic now and then.

He'd built a special magic into them, the ability of seeing via vibrations and a slight sonar ability, both could be strengthened by using more magic via the engravings. Also a self repair effect, as he didn't want them destroyed by accident or the little Dream stranded in a place he didn't know or couldn't 'see'.

Smiling the Traveller left, hopefully this multiverse story would end well.

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