Chapter Thirty-Two: More then One type of Traveller

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Luna3464 worked together for this, for there story 'Oh Boy, what I have gotten myself into now?' so make sure to check it out


The traveller clutched there skull in pain as they righted themselves, they hated trap multiverses.

The Trap wouldn't be able to keep them in like the locals, but would take a day or two to remove himself.

Guess that's what he got for not taking a look at all the codes before he entered, the magic wasn't to bad either... but would annoy him in the long term. He rubbed his skull one last time, then finally took a look on where the multiverse had slapped him to.

Fairly normal timeline so far, misbehaving machine, a stupid twit of a human fangirl, incarnating skeleton...

Wait... a Transmigration?

That was rather rare, usually he ran across the stars darn Self Inserts or reincarnation routes when it was about the players.. or outsiders as some called them.

Or.. if an Error was about, those damn Abominations.

"How outside the outside?" Traveller asked himself, poking at the codes and felt relief when the being that Transmigrated was more a crossover then an outsider. He blinked behind his shades when he realized that the fangirl had already began her downfall.

"And this... is why, I'm glad no one can Reincarnate, self insert or Transmigrate into myself," Traveller mused, as it got rather.. screwy this type of verse.

He could avoid the beings here, trap multiverses could get rather touchy due to whoever was there tormentor was... but he rarely got to see them till everything finished and everyone was happy or it was a full blown war.

He tagged the codes of this multiverse, in case there were other multiverses with this admins code...

Sighing he put his wings away and started wondering to the nearby City, he might as well try some food here while he waited the few days needed for him to leave.

As long as he wore his hood, no one should realize he was a skeleton monster right? Since all of them, were.. well trapped here.

while meditating in his room Mystic felt a Pang with his magic as he felt someone enter the Multiverse or literally be thrown in here by an unknown Force narrowing his eyes wondering who that be. quickly getting out Mystic informed his brother and the others that he will be leaving hopefully not too long since he doesn't want his brother to suffer the agonizing presence of the Fangirl. making sure that no one was looking Mystic quickly dissolved into smoke and went towards the sores of the Unknown soul.

"Mmm... Nice Cream," Traveller said blissfully, the last verse had actually horrid Nice Cream and been wanting a taste of the good stuff. he made a small cry, and licked his fingers when he saw some had dripped there.
At that moment smoke appeared, he gave a shriek and threw what eh was holding. 'Not my Nice Cream' he realized a split second too late.

Allowing the cream to fly through his Smoky transparent body. Mystic looked at the person and noticed the hood had fallen off it was another skeleton monster. who he had never met before and no doubt the others haven't met this person either allowing his magic to send surround the new skeleton he noticed that this one was the reason why he felt the pain who entered the Multiverse. and said in his British accent "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you."

"Its fine, I was just a bit... blissed out on my treat," Traveller sighed, he would have to buy another one later. he pulled his hood down to hide his head again, mind you he'd probably look less out of place wearing normal clothes.. but he liked his clothes.
He then blinked and titled his head, staring at the rather tall Horror type monster in front of him.
"Your the Transmigrator!" Traveller said excitedly, realizing who this was in front of him.

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