Chapter Eighteen: Bittersweet

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It was bittersweet.

It was beautiful, in a way that made one want to cry at the unfairness.

Two lost souls, the multiverse turned against them.

The King of Darkness, and the God of Destruction.

They were at there wits end, they'd done there duty and kept the balance.

Yet that was not enough, for those that denied the balance lied and lied till all believed the lie.

There was no looking back, only looking forward.

"There is no safe places, not anymore," Nightmare replied softly.

"Even the anti-void stops there attacks anymore," Error sighed, holding the others hand tightly.

Things had escalated so fast, like a virus that drove everyone to insanity.

They couldn't even blame fate this time.

No, Dream had decided if he couldn't save his brother he'd bring him down in the worst way.

They were in Outertale, standing by the void.


Were so tired, there would never be free, and once Dreams lies ran to the end and they died this multiverse would crash in collisions of multiverses.

"Together?" Nightmare said, a tremor of exhaustion in his voice.

"Together," Error promised, and together they stepped towards the void.

There was a flash of light, then nothing.


(We were almost too late) Palette said unhappily.

((I know, we've both seen to many deaths as it is)) Goth muttered.

In front of the Traveller was the unconscious form of Error and Nightmare, they'd quickly knocked them out with magic. It had only worked, because they'd taken them by surprise.

(Hey, I have an idea!) Palette said excitedly.

"Go on," The Traveller said.

(Do you remember that Multiverse that had a built in Balance, it didn't have an Error or Nightmare. It didn't have Dream, Ink or Blue either)) Palette suggested.

((They could think of it as retirement, find out what they really want to do with there lives)) Goth said, there body grinned.

Now the fun part, sneaking the duo out and to the other multiverse safely.

The Traveller rubbed his hands together and planned.


Nightmare woke to the tang of salty air, he gasped and sat up soft sheets pooling around his body.

Wildly he looked around, confused as last he remembered he was about to enter the void with Error and not in some type of bedroom.

Error! Where was Error!

"ERROR!" He cried.

"Nighty!" Errors voice called, and Error rushed into the room face filled with relief learning down and hugging his best friend.

"Your here, wherever here is anyway," Nightmare said, leaning his skull against the glitching skeletons chest.

"I promised to stay at your side till the end," Error whispered.

"But, where are we?" Nightmare asked, after all by now the idiot brigade should of tried to kill them.

"I found this by my bed," Error said, passing him a piece of paper... a letter to be exact.

Dear Nightmare and Error

Welcome to a Multiverse the balance is not kept by living beings, but by the multiverse itself. There are no versions of yourselves, the star Sanses or your once friends here.

Your free to seek out your own Destiny, as Fate has no grasp here.

This place is paid up for the next six months, plenty of time for you to find your way here.

Up to you now what happens next, try not to jump into any voids okay.


Nightmare couldn't help but laugh.

They were free.

Twenty multiverses away, a multiverse ended.

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