Part TwentyFour: Q

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Quincy & Sebby


"How...I mean...i- i don't understand."
Sebby stammered, peering up at Quincy.

It was right after the chaos at the movies and they were sitting in Quincy's car, and he'd just told Sebby everything about their dads, and his mom, and how all that had affected him psychologically. Now Sebby was busy freaking out about his dad being into men.

"But how can that be? I mean it can't be. All that grief he gave me about choosing to be gay was what then? A front?"

Quincy let out a huff breath, and said in a flat tone. "It can be 'cos it is."

"How long have you known?"

"A minute."

"And you didn't think to tell me? That i deserved to know?"

"Because I can't go telling their business without permission shawty, that's some personal shit."

"I feel like I've been hit on the head with a baseball bat." Sebby admitted with a tremor. "Who else knows?"

"Rico." Quincy answered, then studied Sebby for a bit before asking a question. "How you feel about your dad and, you know.."

Sebby thought about it for a minute, before responding. "I kinda feel bad for him actually. I couldn't imagine living a life that wasn't mine for so long, that's really sad. But I feel bad for my mom too, she must be so hurt. No wonder she's been hiding out at my aunts house."

Present Day...

That was last week. After that, Sebby had went on to tell him that none of that changed anything, that the damage had already been done and that he was staying with Niko.
Now Quincy was well and truly done, he didn't give a shit anymore, fuck them.

Quincy turned his attention back to the door in front of him, he kicked it down with little effort and busted in. "Where the fuck is he?!" He barked at the female who was sitting on the floor. "Where the fuck Brody at bitch? Ian playing games with you, I'mma bust your shit up all over this bitch in a heartbeat."

The girl started to tremble, her whole body shook in what Q recognized to be absolute terror. That caused him to pay closer attention to his surroundings. He noticed she had a little boy on her lap, the same little boy from the park and he was crying silently.
Her body were covered in cigarette burn marks and cuts that looked to be from razor blade.

She turned to look up at Quincy and he winced. Her face was bleeding from nasty razor blade cuts, and her left eye was swollen shut, he didn't think she could see from that eye anymore. "He did this to you?" Quincy asked in a sympathetic voice, lowering his weapon.

She nodded. "He le... left, skipped town." She stuttered. "Killed my brother, in the..." She couldn't continue as she bursted into tears, pointing to the door to her left.

Quincy followed the direction of her pointy fingers and entered the bedroom, where he was met with the most sadistic shit he'd ever seen. Mason laid on the floor in the pool of his own blood, huge chunk of glass sticking out from all directions of his face and dick area. His mouth was full of broken glass, and his eyes were wide open, with dried up tears sliding down his cheeks. He'd cried to his death.

Q had killed his fair share of people, but never innocents and never in a malicious way, he felt sick to his stomach. This was some sick shit.

He went back out the front and took the baby from her hands, then helped her up. "Come on, I'mma take y'all to the hospital, and set y'all up somewhere else after that."

He dropped them off at the hospital and called pops to fill him in on what was going down, then made arrangements for them to be set up with an apartment and some cash when they got out.

No kids and no women, that was the code. But that fucked in the head ass nígga had no code, and Quincy was going to put him down if it was the last thing he did. But how to find him now that he was out of town again was the issue, if he hadn't wasted all his time chasing after a nigga that didn't want him, maybe he would've put that rabid dog down sooner, and prevented all this.

The only other person that had ties to Brody was Pop's former associate Mr Bell, the one that conspired to kidnap Sebby. But pops had since disposed of him and burned his club to the ground, so Quincy didn't have much to go now, on how to find that nigga.

He shook it off and decided to go ahead with his initial plan of spending the day with Qani and Rico.


Quincy pulled up in front of Rico's house later, and watched in amusement as he walked out. More like limped out actually.

Quincy smirked and started the car. "Wow! I almost ain't recognize you without Ring hanging on your hip." He teased.

"Mteew! shut the fuck up and drive." Rico muttered, getting in and shutting the door.

Quincy threw his head back and laughed, his brother was dick-whipped within an inch of his life, and he loved to see it.

They arrived at Sebby's house shortly after to pick up Qani, Rico waited in the car while Q walked up and knocked. A few seconds later the door opened, revealing a shirtless Niko with Qani in his hand.
Just like that, Quincy's rage was back in full force.

"Dada!" Qani yelled excitedly.
Quincy quietly took his little boy from the man and walked back to his car, and handed him over to his uncle. "Take a walk around the block, don't want him to see shit." Q said to his brother, who nodded in understanding and walked off with his nephew.

Quincy went back to the door and knocked again, this time as soon as Niko opened the door he was met with an aggressive punch to the face that knocked him flat on his ass.

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