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srry this is all lowercase and short i just liked the ✨ vibes ✨

too soon.

that's the only coherent thought he can think.

james and lily had been in love with each other and their baby and the world. even when sirius insisted the world wasn't something to love, they loved it anyway.

maybe they were young and stupid. maybe, for some, the world really is good.

sirius thinks it's the prior.

maybe, though, that's his negativity. remus hadn't shut up about that, near the end. "can you not bring people down? for once," he had whispered, his eyes and mind and heart tired. of him. maybe the war had changed them. that's what sirius had liked to think, anyway. it was easier to stomach than what he knew it really was. really, remus had realized why his parents hated him. it was only a matter of time.

and he couldn't bear the way remus tensed every time he said his name. hated how all of it added to his thought. traitor. sirius was head over heels in love with a fucking traitor. maybe, that part of him that couldn't let go would whisper, he's not. maybe you only think that because he's a werewolf. maybe you're horrible and prejudiced just like your parents. maybe you're what you promised him you weren't. but by then, he knew he was right. and he would rather lose the love of his life than another brother to voldemort.

so he had pushed the mug of tea back, mumbled "happy halloween, remus," and he left. at least the potters would be happy to see him.

he never went home.

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