hook ups & slip ups

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this is kinda nfsw??? like the beginning has smut but it's not the main focus of the scene so um. just be warned. anyway this is dedicated to helenahides28 😌✨

"Fuck, R-Remus!"

Sirius doesn't realize his mistake until after the movement in his lap ceases.

"That's not my name."

It's silent for a moment, at least, other than the both of them panting loudly. Her hands grip his shoulders tightly, keeping her balance halfway on his dick as she waits for a response. "Huh?" Sirius mumbles finally, opening his eyes. The girl's face is red and sweaty just slightly above him, and although she's pretty he can't help but think about how Remus would look looming over him, flushed and panting and-oh. "Yeah, right, of course, I meant Rem-Ka-Fuck."

She slaps him.

Sirius' hand flies from gripping her hip to his cheek. While she awkwardly gets off of him, pulling her underwear on quickly, he mumbles, "Impressive. That slap could rival my Mum's."

She doesn't seem to care about the mention of abuse, because she just continues dressing, muttering, "Last time I hook up with an underclassmen..."

"Sorry!" he yells as she slams the door, flipping him off on the way out. Sirius is left with a slap mark on his cheek and a raging hard on.

After a few minutes he forces himself off of the bed and goes to the bathroom to deal with his "issue," which involves a lot of thoughts about a certain werewolf and a lot of mumbling about how perverted it is to jerk off to your straight friend.

When he enters the dorm again a few minutes later, James is sitting on his bed, smiling smugly. "That girl looked mad."

"What?" Sirius asks flatly, before remembering his nakedness and quickly pulling his boxers on. "Oh, yeah I um-fuck, Prongs, I said Remus. She was riding me and I said Remus!"

James busts out laughing. Sirius throws a pillow at him, but it does absolutely nothing so he just groans and pulls a shirt on.

After a minute, James takes a deep breath and just says, "Holy shit, you're in love with him!"

"Merlin, James, I've known that for a couple years now. You're a little behind," he says dryly. "That's the fucking problem."

"Sorry. I just didn't realize it was that bad," James says as Sirius flops onto the bed next to him. He rolls onto his back, hair splayed out, and lets out a loud groan.

"It's so fucking bad. He's just so pretty and smart and sweet and I'm going to go fucking insane!"

James rolls his eyes. "As if you aren't already."

Sirius ignores him and continues his rant. "Every time we're talking I'm either imagining cuddling or him pushing me against a wall-"

"Ew, spare me the details."

"-and he's starting to notice how distracted I get when I'm around him. The other day I was sitting next to him and he asked if I was okay. And started rubbing my back. Then I had to go wank in the bathroom."

"I said spare me the details! Merlin, that's gross."

"You say that like you haven't done worse because of Lily."

"I have not. I'm perfectly respectful. I would never do something like that."

"My arse," Sirius says, pushing him lightly.

"This is about you, not me. I think you should tell Remus."

Sirius sits straight up. "No! Fuck, that would go horribly."

"Tell me what?"

He freezes, and by the look on James' face he already knows who it is in the doorway.

"Um." He starts forming as many excuses as possible while slowly turning around, but they all evaporate when he sees Remus. His shirt is halfway unbuttoned, his tie hanging around his neck and a lazy smile on his face.

Sirius nearly screams.

If things continue like this he's going to spend half the day in the bathroom.

"Sorry I'm so late. I had prefect things and then Lily was feeling talkative," Remus explains, taking his shirt off fully and bending over to grab a sweater out of his trunk. Sirius tears some of his hair out.

"That's alright Moons," James says, smirking at Sirius. "Anyway, tell him, Pads. He's waiting."

Sirius is going to murder his best friend.

"It's-okay, fuck." He gives James a pointed look and the other boy stands up.

"Alright, I know when I'm not wanted. Have fun." He winks and practically skips out the door.

Sirius tries to look at Remus but he can't, so he looks at the wall instead. "See, so it's like this, I um..." He's shaking so bad. Fuck, he should not be shaking this much. He might be about to vomit.

"Just, don't say anything till I'm done. Please," he says quietly, then when Remus gives a soft "okay," he just says it. He yells, "I'm in love with you!"

His eyes fill with tears but at the same time he feels so much lighter and he knows he's not going to be able to hold it in. Now he has to tell him everything.

"I'm so sick of playing just a friend. Don't you understand? I keep going crazy breaking down the way you look at me across the room! My heart's about to break the second time today, and-fuck, it's all your fault! I don't wanna be your second best! I wanna be your only one!" His voice is high and strained and he might be yelling, he doesn't know, but he's sure he looks absolutely hysterical. He's fully crying now. "I'm so sorry, Moony, you can hate me all you want but I-I can't live with maybe anymore. It just might break me."

"You're a fucking idiot."

Sirius' heart stops. The back of his neck is too hot and it feels like his stomach is collapsing in on itself. "I-what?"

"I said you're a fucking idiot. Are you kidding me?"

"I'm sorry," he whispers. He's never been this embarrassed in his life. Currently his mind is saying the best way to deal with this would be to kill himself.

"For fuck's sake, I didn't mean it like that," Remus says, voice heavy with exasperation, and then he leans over the bed and kisses him.

Sirius freezes for a moment too long before kissing back like it's the last time he'll get to. For all he knows, it is.

His hands fist in Remus' curls, pulling him as close as possible. It's hot and needy and their teeth are clashing more than they probably should but Sirius doesn't care, can't even think about it until Remus pulls away and grins at him. His stomach twists painfully, because his head is still telling him this is temporary.

And maybe it is, but he'll take anything he can get.

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