I don't know what's more astonishing. The fact he read my column or that he had the nerve to go that down.

I shake my head and promise myself never to get on his best or worst interest.

Then again, I am there already. And currently suffering its consequences.

Kiara, the girl who was brave enough to stand against the Populars or whatever.

I shake my head and we go inside the library once I finish eating my Snickers. Ms. Julian was sitting by the desk.

Ms. Julian isn't the type of person whom you can call chatty. She's usually very reserved and straight to the point. She won't even listen to you unless you catch her attention with lesser words.

She looks up from the screen when she hears us. "Students aren't allowed in the library on weekends."

"We know but-"

"We have passed from Mrs. Roth," Ashton cuts in. I send him a deadly glare. "I was getting there," I hiss.

But Ashton ignores me as he keeps his eyes on Ms. Julian. "We have to talk to you about something."

"And what can it be, Mr. Fellan?" She looks from the corner of her glasses. Then we tell her all that she needs to know.

"I see," she says once we finish telling her everything. "But I'm afraid I can't help you."

I panic and glance at Ashton. But he looks as cool as a cucumber.

"We have Mrs. Roth's permission."

"That won't work. But I can give it to you if you manage the Principal's permission," Ms. Julian says.

Ashton gets up from his chair. "If that's what you want."

Five minutes later, Ashton comes back with a written pass from the Principal.

"Now let us see the footage," he says.

"We don't have one," she shrugs.


"Don't raise your voice in the library," Ms. Julian hisses, though it's only us and the school ghosts here. "Security cameras are against our school code. We have only one in front of the Principal's office"

"No wonder she gave the pass so easily," Ashton mutters.

"But do you at least have the list of students who used your computers this semester?" I ask her. "Or that invades students' privacy too?"

She gives me another stinky eye. "Yes I have, but I can't allow students to have it."

"But we have two passes here," I say.

"In that case," Ms. Julian continues. "I can mail the list to Mrs. Roth."

"Can you do that like right now, please?" Ashton pleads which satisfies her.

She also let us check the computer room after persuading her for another five minutes.

"I wonder how they used it during weekends," Ashton wonders as we enter the room.

"Breakthrough the window." I snort.

Ashton looks at me with a wide eye.

"What? I was just joking."

"You're a genius, Snow!" He lightly kisses my cheek and dashes to check the windows.

I, on the other hand, stand frozen to the spot.

Relax, it was just a friendly gesture.

Yeah, right, Miles kisses my cheeks all the time, I shake my head and follow Ashton.

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