Not Worth Your Time

Start from the beginning

Kylo had never had the desire to have this type of connection with anyone before. Yeah, he had fucked girls before, but he had never made an effort with any of them. With you though, he knew from the beginning that it wouldn't just be something that was quickly over. 

You were unlike anyone he had ever been with before.

In all of his training over the years, both as a Jedi and now under Snoke, he had learned to not have attachments. It was drilled into his mind to cut off all ties of emotion and feelings that wouldn't benefit his progress. He was determined to succeed and not become a failure like those that came before him.

He had to be better than them. He had to prove himself.

The throne room had felt like a freezer. Walking into it felt like he had been dropped into straight ice and it was already making his head hurt.

Kneeling immediately once he was inside, he took off his helmet knowing Snoke would want to see his face. Staying close to the ground, he looked up to meet the ugly eyes of his Master.

The anger was palpable. But he wasn't just angry. No, he was much worse than that. Kylo didn't even know how to describe the feeling that was emanating off of Snoke.

"Young Ren," he said lowly as he tilted his head to the side.

With a bow, he replied, "Master Snoke."

Without hesitation, he got right into it by snarling wickedly, "Your little distraction has become too much. I ordered you to end that retched attachment. Care to explain what happened?"

Taking a calming breath while keeping his thoughts blank, he spoke slowly, "It won't happen again."

"That's what you said last time, boy," he spat back making Kylo want to flinch away. "You are pathetic and weak."

"I am strong from your teaching and guidance, Master."

"You lie," Snoke growled back. "You are letting this interfere with your training."

Taking a gulp of air, Kylo said, "I have kept up with my trainings and-"

"You are being called to the light. I know you have sensed it," he said in a cold tone. "I have sensed the conflict within you. This girl, this worthless girl, has made you soft."

Kylo hung his head not knowing how to respond. Especially when Snoke was right.

"Was my threat to eliminate her not enough? I won't hesitate to-"

"That won't be necessary," Kylo replied quickly.

There was a tense pause, "Don't interrupt me, boy."

Holding his wrinkled gray hand upwards, Kylo's body quickly flew upwards and into the air. He was too caught off guard to know what was going on as he hovered above the ground completely frozen. It felt like small shards of metal were digging into his skin. The pain rang throughout his body, but he was determined to not show it.

Snoke's face was screwed up in a wicked smile as he watched Kylo hang there helplessly as he was crushed by the Force. He was sitting on the throne looking completely relaxed and not remotely affected by what was happening before him.

Kylo's body hung in the air getting tortured until he eventually began gasping for air practially begging to be set free of the tight hold.

Taking it as a sign of giving up, a low cackle left Snoke's mouth. It seemed enough to satisfy him, for now, and he released the intense hold he had. A sickening loud smack rang throughout the room as the Commander's body hit the ground.

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