The End of the Year: Chapter 42

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Hey all! I'm going to be updating twice a week now as I've finished the entire story. Updates on Wednesday and Saturday from this point on!

The end of the quarter came faster than Harry expected and he found himself seated next to Draco at the Gryffindor table at the feast the day before everyone would go home for the holidays - or stay at the castle.

"So, what are you doing for the holidays?" Hermione asked, to the slytherin friend group, but to no one of them in particular.

"I'm headed home to spend it with my dear old mother," Pansy said with a roll of her eyes, stabbing her food with her fork.

"You don't like her I'm guessing?" Hermione asked.

"Not at all. She's insufferable," Pansy said with a scoff, "Always telling me I should be more lady-like and then going and throwing herself at the feet at any man who offers a bit of power and money, like a common whore."

Hermione stared across the table at Pansy speechless, not knowing exactly how you respond to that.

"Well maybe you should take her advice. Maybe you'll get a man," Blaise said jokingly, and an eyebrow cocked.

Pansy scoffed, "And when have I ever wanted a man."

"Too true. Keep on being unladylike, maybe you'd actually get a girlfriend," Blaise smirked and Pansy elbowed him in the ribs.

"If I wanted a girlfriend I could get one at any time. I'm focusing on myself right now."

"That's code for 'I'm crying myself to sleep at night cause no girl wants me,'" Blaise said and Pansy immediately rounded on him.

"I'm going home to see my parents as they're both under probation and restricted to the house. Which doesn't really seem like much of a punishment to me as the manor is pretty big, but whatever. Blaise is going home too," Draco said over the racket Blaise and Pansy were making, gently scooting his plate away from them.

Hermione watched Pansy and Blaise out of the corner of her eye as she responded, "Looks like we're all going home then. I haven't heard of any eighth year who's staying here."

"I think a lot of families want to spend time with their kids after last year," Ron said, "Families are getting a bit closer I've noticed."

"That's true. My parents want me home for most of the break and they aren't even wizards, I'm just hoping I can come to your house for a bit of it," Hermione said. (I'd like to note that i'm imagining she went to find her parents during the summer after the war ended and restored their memories, as it's not really a key event in this story I'm not really going to cover it.)

"My parents have been oddly more attentive too," Draco said, looking down at his food as he pushed it around. It was odd now that he was thinking about it. They'd written him more this year than they had all the others combined. It was nice, but it was still a bit odd.

"I'm just excited to not have any school work for a bit," Harry said.

"You still have some work for the break," Hermione reminded him and Harry groaned.

"Yeah, but that isn't due till I get back, I can just do it the last few days," Harry said and Hermione and Draco rolled their eyes.


"I'll try and sneak away from Ron and Hermione on the train to see you if you'd like," Harry said and he rounded up the last of his things to take down to the Hogwarts Express.

"I'd like that," Draco said with a smile, leaning in to give Harry a soft kiss.

Harry thought about how soft Draco's lips were as he made his way into the compartment Hermione and Ron currently occupied. He'd miss being able to kiss Draco over the break.

"Hey, Harry," Hermione said when she saw him enter, "I was just telling Ron that I'm hoping to make it to his house for New Years and then staying until we ride the Express back."

"We can exchange Christmas gifts then," Harry said, sliding into the seat across from them.

"Yeah, that's a good idea," Ron said, "Much better than mailing your gift. I like seeing you open them."

Hermione gave a light laugh, "I agree, easier on the owl too."

Harry looked out the window as the train started to pull away from the station and closed his eyes as Hermione and Ron continued to talk to each other.

He was shaken awake an hour later by Ron, "The trolley is here, mate. Figured you might want something."

Harry looked over to where Hermione was paying for a chocolate frog. "Yeah, thanks mate," he said, quickly getting out some money to pay for a few chocolate frogs.

Hermione handed Ron a chocolate frog and Harry decided it might be a good time to leave and look for Draco, as well as allow Ron and Hermione a moment alone.

"I'm gonna go to the restroom," Harry said, slipping his chocolate frogs into his pocket and slipping out the door. He didn't mind if they knew he wasn't going to the bathroom, he figured, they'd probably just think I was being nice and letting them have some time alone.

He made his way down the train, peering into the compartments until he spotted Draco. He was seated next to Blaise and was talking to an animated Pansy.

Harry managed to make eye contact with Draco and his eyes widened slightly. Harry watched as he said some kind of excuse to leave. Pansy smirked at him and Draco turned red and then he hurried out into the hall.

"What was that all about?" Harry asked when Draco emerged from the compartment.

"Nothing," Draco said, "Just Pansy being Pansy. You got away then I see."

"Yeah, I figured Ron and Hermione would like some time alone too."

"Works perfect for us," Draco said, already pulling him down the hallway to find an empty compartment. When he located one he quickly pulled Harry inside and shut the curtains.

"I'm glad you came when you did. It was getting dreadfully boring and Pansy was starting to talk about hair and makeup." Draco took a seat and Harry followed suit.

"You don't like hair and makeup?" Harry teased and Draco elbowed him lightly.

"Not at all," Draco said, leaning his head against Harry's shoulder and letting out a sigh.

"I brought some chocolate frogs," Harry said, pulling them out and handing one to Draco.

Draco sat up, suddenly interested and accepted the sweet, "Oooo, thanks. I love these."

"Did you get anything from the trolley?"

"Nah, I was trying to be healthy. Though I suppose I should've," Draco mused, opening up the packaging and grabbing the frog before it could escape.

"You're way too skinny to be worried about what you're eating," Harry said with a laugh.

"And that's why you're going to be fat when your metabolism slows down. Being skinny and being healthy aren't the same."

"Yeah Yeah," Harry laughed, sliding down to lay his head on Draco's shoulder with a contented sigh. He felt Draco lay his head down on top of his own and they slipped into a comfortable silence.

"Write me?" Harry asked after a bit.

"Of course, only if you write back though."

"Of course," Harry said with a smile.

A/N: I made an account on AO3! you can find Draw The Line on there as well with the following link:

*image belongs to Nedjem on Tumblr*

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