It's All Fun and Games 'Till Someone Catches Feelings: Chapter 4

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"Wake! Up!" Harry's sheets were violently thrown off him to show a sheepish Ron and an angry looking Hermione.

"What's the matter?" Harry said, rolling over and shoving his face into his pillow.

"What's the matter?! Harry, it's two in the afternoon! One would think you died, you missed breakfast and then also lunch," Hermione berated Harry. "Do you plan on getting up any time today?"

"Ugh," Harry groaned, rolling over to peek at Hermione with one eye, "why do I even need to get up? It's a Saturday."

"For one, because we have that potions essay due on Monday - which I bet you haven't even started - and the transfiguration homework, not to mention all the other class work I'm sure you've been putting off. AND you have barely talked to either me or Ron all week, I was hoping we'd be able to do something today before you go off with Malfoy."

"You very well know that it's not my choice to be hanging out with him!" Harry defended, suddenly awake, "It's not like I enjoy his company Hermione. And I've already finished all my homework, Malfoy helped me with my potions essay." Hermione looked at Harry for a moment with shock written all over her face - no doubt from the fact Harry already had all his work done for the first time ever - but recovered quickly.

"Good, then get out of bed so we can do something today," Hermione said, swiftly turning around and walking out the door.

"What's her issue?" Harry said, turning to Ron after the door was closed.

"Dunno, I think she caught a first year using a book as a coaster earlier today and took offence," Ron said back, laughing a bit.

"All that over a book?"

"Apparently so, but I know she really does want to do something today. It really sucks that you're stuck with Malfoy."

"Tell me about it." Harry swung his legs off the bed and stood up, walking to his trunk to get out some clothes.

"How has that been by the way?"

"It's been alright I guess. I mean, it could be worse, we haven't gotten in any major fights yet so I suppose that's good."

"Yeah, don't let Hermione hear you say that. She's already got it set in her head that this was a good idea, and you'd only reinforce it."

"Don't worry, I won't. What about you two? Anything new?" Harry said with a slight smirk at Ron who turned a light shade of pink. He knew that Ron had been trying to go a step further with Hermione for months but just couldn't get up the courage. Ron chose to ignore Harry's implication though.

"Not much, just homework and classes. Hermione's been adamant that I get all my work done on time."

"I'm definitely not envious of you," Harry said around his toothbrush.

"Yeah, well I'm not envious of your situation either," Ron laughed, "At least I got a girlfriend out of it."

Harry just shot him a glare.





"What! What do you need Pansy?" Draco said, finally paying attention to the girl who was laying next to him on the grass and had been calling his name for the last few minutes.

"What's so interesting about that book? There's so many better things to do on a Saturday that reading," Pansy looked over at the book that lay in Draco's lap, Mastering Potions: Uses for Common Ingredients, "Like figuring out how you're going to get to shag Potter."

Draco shut his book with a thud and glared at Pansy who smirked when she noticed the growing redness of his cheeks.

"Oh come on, how much longer are you going to continue pretending you don't fancy him?"

"I'm not pretending, I don't fancy him."

"Ughhhh!" Pansy groaned, flopping back down on the blanket dramatically and continuing to pick at the grass. "Why won't you let me help you?"

"I don't need help," Drcao retorted, reopening his book to a random page.

"You do. You're hopeless."

"Thanks." There was a pause as Draco started to read again.

"But seriously, why won't you admit it?" Pansy said, causing Draco to shut his book again with a sigh.

"Even if I was interested in Potter, I don't need your help."

"So you admit you are interested?" Pansy smirked.

"No!" Pansy responded with a skeptical look. "Look, if you can't be quiet and let me read, I'm going to the library."


The silence drew out for a few minutes until Pansy broke it again.


"I do not fancy Potter!" Draco shouted at her. Pansy stopped and stared at him for a second as several people turned to look at them as well. Draco immediately colored.

"That wasn't what I was about to say, though you are being awfully defencive."

"Just get on with it Pansy," Draco said, dropping his head down to stare at his book, his face burning.

"I was going to say, did you know that apparently Weasley and Potter were talking about starting an eighth-year quidditch team. Like so people can still play if they want. Beats me how they'd find enough people willing to play to make two teams, but it does sound interesting doesn't it?"

"Huh, yeah that does sound kind of cool."

"Think you'd join if they managed to pull it off?"

"I might, depends who they get to play."

"I think you should."


"Yeah, I mean, you'd probably get to change in the same locker rooms as Potter."


A/N: image doesn't belong to me, it's by Alek.dar on Instagram

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