Truce: Chapter 3

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The next few days were spent in the same routine of Draco hiding out in the library, until Harry came to retrieve him just before curfew. Then they'd retreat back to their common room to work on homework together until bed. It wasn't a horrible arrangement as they weren't required to talk, except for the fact that everyone else did.

Rumors were flying by the second day and they just seemed to be getting worse as the days passed. Though, none of the rumors really seemed to be getting that close to the truth, some didn't fail to make Harry's cheeks heat up and Pansy to snicker quietly to Draco. Draco assumed she might have started the spread of a few of them.

"Common room?" Harry said as he came up behind Draco who was hiding at the back of the library with Pansy and Blaise as usual.

"Yes I suppose," Draco drawled, taking his time to get his stuff, "see you all later." With that both boys were headed out in silence.

"Is this how it's always going to be?"

"Whatever do you mean Potter?" Draco said, walking slightly ahead of Harry.

"No talking, constant fighting."

"I don't know what you mean, we haven't fought in days."

"Oh come off it Malfoy, you know what I mean," Harry said, speeding up and stopping in front of Draco, making him pause. "Are we really going to spend the whole year like this."

"Yes, I think that would be a great idea, as I much prefer the silence," Draco shot a glare at Harry, and moved to go around him but Harry reached out and grabbed his arm.

"I don't want to spend the whole year like this."

"Like what?"

"Malfoy, stop skirting around it. You know what I mean."

"What do you want then?" Draco said, glaring at Harry.

"How about a truce?" Harry said and held out his hand.

The gesture made Draco freeze. His head was spinning as he stared at Harry's outstretched hand. Should he accept? Before he even had a chance to contemplate it Harry was already talking again.

"Oh come on Malfoy you can't really want to continue like this,"

"And if I do?" Draco shot back with an air of superiority that made Harry simply glare back.

"Fine. truse," Draco finally said, reaching out to shake Harry's hand. What have I gotten myself into, "Now hurry up, before McGonagall finds us and gives us another punishment."


"Ugh!" Harry groaned, leaning back in the chair he'd been sitting in for the last fifty minutes. Draco and him had been sitting in the common room doing homework for almost an hour in silence and the murmuring around them had finally quieted down, but Harry's sound of annoyance proved useful at drawing in much attention. Draco shot him a pointed look. "I don't understand this!" Harry turned to look at Draco who had started on his work again.

"Talking wasn't part of the truce."

"It wasn't not part of the truce," Harry said, "Help me?"

"What is it?" Draco said with a resigned sigh.

"The potions essay, for Slughorn. I'm completely lost and it doesn't make any sense," Harry groaned, throwing his head back and tossing his arm over his face.

"It makes perfect sense. You're just an idiot."

"Gee thanks. Sorry I'm not nearly as smart as you in Potions, Malfoy."

"You're perfectly smart if you'd actually apply yourself."

"Was that a compliment?" Harry said, smirking as he dropped his arm. The smirk fell quickly as he was met with the sight of Draco leaning over his work with a concentrated look. The sight was breathtaking and Harry froze.

"So if you add that, it will increase its potency," Draco looked up to find Harry staring dumbly at him, "were you even listening?"

"Uh- oh yes! Thanks, that makes perfect sense." In all honesty Harry hadn't heard a word and was more preoccupied with noting just how light Draco's eyelashes are. He'd ask Hermione about the essay tomorrow.

"Uh huh," Draco said, disbelieving. But before he could say more, Harry cut him off.

"Okay, well I'm going to head to bed. It has got to have been an hour by now." Harry jumped to his feet, gathering his books and left a dumbfounded Draco sitting at the table.

"Looks like you might not be the only one with feelings."

"Pansy! I've told you before: it's not like that!"

"Sure didn't look like that. He was sitting there with that dumb look on his face staring at you. Anyone could see that he was at least checking you out. I could see it from across the room."

"You're spying on me now?"

"I call is helpful supervision. I can't help if I don't know what all I'm working with here."

"There's nothing to help with, Pansy," Draco sighed, gathering his books as well, "I've already told you to let it be."

"There's hardly any drama around here these days! Everyone was confessing left and right after the war ended and now that everyone's in happy relationships, no one has any pain for me to enjoy anymore."

"So I'm your new source of entertainment?"


"Glad to be of service," Draco rolled his eyes as he turned to head up the stairs.

"Oh! Before you go, I heard people are starting a ton of new clubs this year. You know, school unity and all that jazz. But the point is, there's going to be a fair-like thing on Sunday for all the clubs. Want to join Crabbe, Blaise and I? I suppose it's worth checking out. Plus I heard there's gonna be food and stuff."

"Hmmm, why not. What time is it?"

"It's an all-day sort of thing, starts after breakfast."

"Alright, then I'll meet you then."

"Great! Now go to your room, I bet Potter is waiting for you!" Pansy smirked as she dodged a stinging hex.

A/N: image not mine, it belongs to @ vikconder on Twitter

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