Chapter 1

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Celestia's POV: After Coin's assasination by the Mockingjay and her being thrown off stage, the ceremony continues. I didn't want my grandfather dead, but I still found all of the games scary, what if I had to go in? I shiver as I attempt to listen now.

A woman is now speaking, but I missed the first 30 seconds of her introduction-I guess she is the new President? "As revenge for those who caused so much pain, and as a symbol that something as horrific as these past 75 years have been is now over, the surviving victors have decided that one final Hunger Games must take place." Gasps escape the crowd, as well as crying from various areas.

"However" she pauses, "the tributes who go into these games will be reaped only from direct descendants of people who were in power in the Capitol, or in the Games in any way. This will be our last Hunger Games, and the tributes will be picked tomorrow. Happy Hunger Games" she says, mocking my grandfather. "And may the odds be ever in your favor."

I expect more cries and anger to escape from the crowd, but most people from the Capitol were killed in the cross-fire; people from the districts are either smiling or staying silent. The previous crying has ceased. I can't believe I trusted her.I even braided my hair like her back before everything went down. Oh you will regret this, if I get chosen, I will win, as revenge, If i don't get chosen-yeah as if that will happen-I will explain to the rest of the survivors from the Capitol how our new president is even worse than my Grandfather, making US play in the games.

"Happy Hunger Games"I smirk, "And don't worry, the odds are with me this time."

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