"We need to hurry. We are two and a half days way from the Sand Village. Let's go." Kakashi sensei said. We nodded then continued to make our way to the Sand.

Hold on Gaara! We're coming!


"Hurry! Get him in here fast!!!" I heard someone shout.

"But what about her sir!?" Another shouted.

"She'll be fine. We need to focus on Kankuro right now!"

"Why is everyone shouting?" I said trying to open my eyes but was blinded by bright lights.

"She waking up! Someone hurry and help me sit her up!!" Someone else shouted. What's up with everyone shouting!!

I finally got my eyes to open and saw medical ninjas surrounding me. They sat me up and checked my breathing and my pulse. I looked around the room and noticed a lot of medics around the bed next to me. I looked at the ninja that was next to and tapped his shoulder.

"Excuse me. Who's the one next to me?" I asked and the man looked at me.

"That's the Kazekage's older brother Kankuro. He was severely hurt by one of the enemy when he went chasing after them my lady." The man replied. I looked at the man then at Kankuro. I got off the bed and slowly walked over to him. I couldn't walk that straight but I tried. Once I was close enough the ninjas moved out of my way.

"How long has he been like this?" I asked.

"For about three days princess." One said. I looked up and saw Kuroko standing by the door.

"Three days? That can't be. Last night I fought with Gaara to protect the village-"

"You don't remember? You've been trying to kill everyone here but you weren't able to use chakra because your chakra points have been closed." Kuroko said walking over to me.

"What are you talking about? I just woke up." I said tilting my head a little.

"Don't worry about, I can't blame you for not remembering. Anyway, come with me. I need to show you something." Kuroko said grabbing my hand and leading me out the room. I looked at Kankuro for the last time before walking out the room.

"So where are we going?" I asked as we walked through the halls.

"To Gaara's room. I think you need an explanation of what's been going on here." Kuroko said looking at me then smiled.

I nodded then looked ahead as we walked, however, something outside caught my eye. I looked back Kuroko and took out a kunai. When we arrived at Gaara's I noticed the door open a little bit opened. I slowly walked closer to the door then looked back at Kuroko. He nodded at me and I turned to look inside. It looked empty to me but I still didn't go inside. I stood outside waiting for Kuroko to walk in. He looked at me as if he was waiting for me to go inside.

"What are you waiting for?" He asked as he crossed his arms. I stared at him before stepping aside.

"Waiting for you stupid. Go turn on the lights so I don't die." I replied. I noticed him clenched his fist as he walked inside. Once inside I drop kicked him.


"Who are and what do you want?" I said as I had my foot on their face and holding their arms back. He tried to escape but I just pulled on his arms. "Answer me!" I growled.

"You're a smart kid Rin." I heard a so familiar voice. The person under me poofed away as it was in fact a clone.

"Surprised?" I turned away to be face to with with 'Tobi'.

"What do you want?" I said as I glared at him. He chuckled and showed me a paper.

"This has what both me and you want." He handed me the paper and I quickly took it. I opened and scanned the document. "This is how we will obtain peace in a world of war." He specified. I looked at him with an eyebrow raised and scoffed.

"Huphm... Man you're so stupid. Did you really think I would agree to something like this? Man you're so stupid." I said as I shook my head.

"Well if you want your little lover back then we would." At the moment I froze. I quickly activated my Sharingan and carefully watched him. He looked at me with a devilish smile on his face as he walked closer to me.

"You thought that I wouldn't figure it out? Well princess, I did. You'll be mine whether you like or not!" Tobi said as he stood only five inches away from my face. I didn't move. Nor did I plan to. I just stared into his only visible eye. He leaned in to kiss as he moved his mask up but I quickly roundhouse his and opened the door ready to run out but crashed into someone.

"Are you alright?" I heard them say. I looked back at the room and noticed Tobi was gone. I let out a sigh then looked at the person in front of me.

"You're -"

"Princess Tsukiko! There you are. I've been looking for you everywhere!" Kuroko shouted pulling me away from the blonde.
"Hey! What are you -"

"Come on! Kankuro is getting worse by the minute." Kuroko said as he dragged me back to the room I had woken up in.

"Kuroko wait!" I shouted as he continued to pull me away from the blonde. He stopped and looked at me. Make sure that one comes in or out of Kazekage's building. Got it?" Kuroko sighed but nodded as he went to go advice the guards.

"I need people to go find Sasori and Deidara!" I shouted as I walked down the hallways.

"No need we're right here. Hn!" Deidara said as he and Sasori appeared in front of me. I nodded and continued walking. I noticed the blonde boy was still following but I ignored him.

"Okay status report!" I demanded as I continued walking back towards the room where Kankuro was in.

"In main entrance has rubble everywhere and there are still some bombs that haven't gone off yet. The village is fine though. No one was injured during your fight besides Kankuro who went chasing after the people who took Gaara." Sasori informedme. I nodded as I the blonde boy stared at us.

"Okay. Sasori, go help clear the entrance. Make sure no one gets hurt." I ordered. He nodded and disappeared. "Deidara, I want you to scan the village from the air. If you see anything out of place quickly inform me or any guard near you. Understood?"

"Yes Princess." He said before jumping out of the nearest window. I continued walking but noticedthe boy still following me.

"Hey you." I said without looking back.

"Me?" The boy said as he walked next to me. Though I knew he didn't know me I still nodded.

"What's your name?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

"Naruto Uzumaki." He replied. I stopped walking and my smirk only grew.

"I'm Princess Tsukiko of the Villages. Welcome to the Sand Village." I said as I turned around.

Underneath the mask is something you should never see

Kon'nichiwa minna!!!

How are all of my favorite pandas doing?

Good to hear! Anyway, sorry for not updating sooner. I started school again and I need to focus on my school work. However, I'm working on trying to update weekly but I don't know if I can do it.

Oh, by the way, I've been getting more pandas every day!!!!! XD You guys don't know how happy that makes me feel. Arigatou minna!!!!!!

Anyway, you know the drill.
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