To Keep A Secret

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I woke up in the morning lying on the bed next to a black teddy bear. I questioned the idea of how I got to the bed and how I ended up with a stuffed bear. However, I didn't have time. I needed to get dress and use my Sharingan on Kiba and his team. I took a quick shower and changed into my clothes. I grabbed a blue dress top with the Uchiha clan's crest on it and some black leather shinny jeans. I pulled on my ninja boots and ate some grapes before walking out of my apartment. I waited outside of my apartment until I spotted Kiba followed by Hinata and Shino.

"Hey Tsukiko!" Kiba shouted as he walked towards me. I closed my eyes and leaned against the wall of my apartment. Once they were close enough I activated my Sharingan and put them under my genjutsu.

"Sorry guys but know can know I'm Kimimaru. Not yet that is." I said as I put seals on their memories. Once I was finished I tapped their foreheads bring them out of my genjutsu.

"Anyway, Tsukiko are you ready for us to go meet everyone?" Kiba asked and I nodded.

"Great! We got all our friends to come to come to the training grounds and Naruto and his team are supposed to get here today so you'll be able to meet them." Hinata said and I gave her a fake smile. We walked towards the training grounds and sure enough everyone was there.

"Hey everyone! We brought her!" Kiba shouted. Everyone looked at me and smiled.

"Hey there, I'm Ten Ten." A girl said grabbing my hands.

"I'm Rock Lee!" Someone shouted. I looked around and noticed the boy from the day before.

"I'm Ino Yamanaka and this one eating over there is Choji." A girl with blonde hair said. I nodded at her then looked at the two guys that were leaning against the same tree.

"Shikamaru and Neji." I said as I started to remember the names along with some memories.

"How do you know our names?" Neji questioned. I quickly shook my head realizing that I had said their names out loud and smiled.

"I heard about you guys. Neji Hyuga, the genius of the Hyuga clan and Shikamaru Nara, smartest person in the Hidden Leaf Village and I also heard something about you from Temari." I lied. I noticed everyone look at me in confusion so I decided to change the subject.

"Anyway, my name is Ts-"

"Princess Tsukiko!" Misaki shouted hugging me tightly.

"Izumi?!" I shouted at her.

"Tsunade wants to see you." She said and I nodded.

"Sorry everyone but I got to go. I'll see you later though." I said before walking away with Misaki.

"What's this all about?" I asked as we walked through the streets of the village.

"Orochimaru gave us a note and Sasuke told us somethings as well." Misaki said putting her hands in her pockets.

"And I care cause?"

"Lady Tsunade wants you to explain to her what happened. I just lifted my jutsu from everyone so if you go back with everyone they'll know who you are." Misaki said winking at me.

"Geez thanks." I said as my eye started to twitch.

"Anyway, do you have a story?"

"A story?" I asked confused.

"Well yeah! Look, Orochimaru's letter just said to keep an eye on you. However, Sasuke-"

"I know." I said making her stop walking. I faced her and took out a scroll from my weapon pouch.

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