Home Sweet Home

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"Ah~ It's so peaceful today." I said as I drank my tea.

"Lady Tsunade!!" What now.

"Lady Tsunade!!! Help us!!!" I looked up from my desk and saw Izumi run in with a huge fox behind her.

"What is it?!" I shouted running towards them.

"You have to help her or else Kimimaru wouldn't be able to last any longer!!" The fox shouted. I looked at the girl on its back and was surprised to see red hair and ocean blue eyes. I quickly laid her down on the floor and checked for any wounds but failed to find any. I pressed gently on her chest and she quickly coughed out blood. However, the blood was black and it seemed like it was killing her inside.

"Argh!!! It- AHH!! *cough* Ita-chi.... help.... me...." She said before closing her eyes.

"We need to take her to the hospital!! ASAP!!!" I shouted and they nodded.


"Quick!! Get me Shizune here and anyone who's free help me out." I shouted as I ran into the hospital with Kimimaru in my arms. I ran into the emergency room and quickly placed her down on the bed.

"Help... me..." Kimimaru said looking at me. My eyes met with her's and what I saw surprised me. She eyes were charging it's form. The blue from her eyes started to turn clear but quickly turned black. Her hair turned white then black as she sat up and continued to cough up blood. The blood slowly turned red and her eyes and hair change to black. She looked up at me then smiled before stumbling forwards.

"Kimimaru! I got you!!" Ino shouted as she ran in and caught Kimimaru.

"Thank you Ino. I can take care of her from here." I said taking Kimimaru and placing her on the bed again. I took her to a different room and made sure to keep her chakra level steady.

"Lady Tsunade, we have work to do. You can leave Kimimaru with Izumi and Ino." Shizune said as she stared at Kimimaru. I sighed then nodded.

"Alright, Izumi, Ino, I leave her in your care." I said before leaving.


I moved my fingers slightly against something as I tried to wake up. I tried to open my eyes but the light shining down on my face made me shut my eyes again.

"Argh, stupid lights." I said trying to sit up.

"Kimimaru!!!" I heard people shout. I looked around me and saw a lot of people in the room.

"Who are you people? And where am I?" I asked as I looked around before I spotted Ty.

"Ty!!" I shouted opening my arms widely.

"Princess! How do you feel?" He asked as I hugged him.

"Lost and confused. Where are we?" I asked and he shrugged.

"You're in the Hidden Leaf Village. Don't you remember us?" A girl with purple hair said.

"No, how can I? I've never seen any of you in my life." I said looking at everyone in the room.

"Come on Kimimaru, stop pretending already." A boy with red triangles on his cheeks said. I quickly made my seals and sand quickly formed an arrow that was gently press against his throat.

"Who the hell are you?" I threat.

"Hey stop it Kimimaru!" I quickly made other arrows and pressed it gently against the chest of a girl with blonde hair.

"Who the hell are you people and why are you calling me Kimimaru?" I asked and they stared at each other in fear and confusion.

"Tsukiko!! Ty!!" I looked at the door and saw a white dog.

A Special Life, A Special Light (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now