Chapter Seventeen

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See you around Molly...

She says...

See you around Waylon.

We both smile at each other, I start to walk away when Luca and Tyler call her for something stupid.

I stop in my tracks and turn around  acting like I am on my phone.

Luca Yells at her...

She says...

What did I do?

He says....

I told you to not go anywhere!

She says...

I did not go anywhere fair I just  took a little walk with the kids.

He sighs.

She says...

I am fine I can't  be scared all the time.

I know.

Come on lets go....

She says...

Luca what is wrong with you!

He says......

Nothing is wrong with me baby.

She does not say anything else they just walk away.

Waylon pov...

I am an undercover FBI Agent,  I have been working on her case for a while I can't  help that I fell in love with her. But I did so I will always keep her and our kids safe, my brother is an undercover FBI Agent too. We have been trying to find who is behind coiming after mu girl.

I watch her walk away,  she turns around with the kids and walks back to the bench.  She drops to the ground once she puts the kids. She is looking for something.

She says...

" Where is it!"

I walk back over to her and drop to the ground..

Molly what are you looking for?

She says...

My grandpa ring.

I say...

I will help  you Molly..

She nods as we crawl around in the grass.

10 minutes later....

Molly here you go.

She says...

Thank you Waylon!

She jumps at me and I catch her with ease.

I hug her for a few minutes.

Before she lets go and I put her back on the ground.

She waves bye as she walks away with the kids in hand. She felt so good in my arms I just wanted her there the whole time and never let her go but I did. Cause I don't want to scare her anymore.

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