"Holy shit."

"Oh fuck," Toni groaned, standing,  following the three boys who were already making their way over to the group,

With a nervous glance around, she followed thru the throttles of people. Had there always been that many serpents? 
in approaching, she saw Jughead with a sneer and a few other serpent members with the same faces., facing off with another gang with strange face paintings done and torn up clothes, carrying baseball bats and various other strange weapons.

"Your kinds not welcome here, Ghoulie." Fangs growled out, and that just seemed to cause the other gang to get riled up.

Oh, so those were the Ghoulies. They looked a lot more awful when they weren't in their football gear.

"Such a shame," the oldest of the Ghoulies said, rounding the group to stand in front of the pink haired serpent  "What happened at the game. Didn't want it to have to be like this, but well, we all know what happens when the Southside scum," he emphasized the last word by spitting near Toni's boots "Cheat to win."

"We didn't cheat, Malachai. So take your goons and go." Fangs growled out lowly, stepping up to face the smug man

Cheryl watched as Toni's nails dug into her palm. Her knuckles were white, and face expressionless as the man continued circling her. So this was Toni's brother?
Something in Cheryl's stomach clenched uneasily. Protectiveness suddenly filling her lithe body with rage.

she couldn't tear her eyes away from the event unfolding, despite the pit in her stomach just digging deeper. "Is this your little girlfriend?" Another boy smirked, pointing at the redhead who was rooted in spot. "Let me introduce myself honey, I'm Kurtz" he grinned, his teeth chipped and eyes hungry "I like this one Topaz, maybe I'll take her home with me tonight."

A blow to his jaw landed, and it was almost surprising how strong Toni could be. He doubled over, and in a mere flash blades were extracted from the serpents, bats lifting on the other side, as the serpents and Ghoulies went at each other

The man kicked Toni down, and she spat out some blood that was pooling in her mouth "fuck..." she grumbled out, before standing back to her feet, her fists faster than the Ghoulie could react.

He landed his own blows, and by now FP, hand clutches on the pistol by his side, quickly pushed the two apart, "Serpents, back down!" He commanded, shooting a fiery look at his son, who was wiping the blood from his mouth

"Get the hell out of here, you're on Serpent land." The bearded man sneered. The Ghoulies began running off, Malachai shooting his sister a look that wasn't readable, before stomping back to his car.

Sweetpea shook his bloodied fist out, grabbing a beer can and chugging it, crushing it and tossing it before wiping the excess on the back of his hand.

"Oh..." Cheryl looked in horror at the brunette, who's face was bloodied and bruised, staring up at her helplessly, chest heaving "Oh my god, TT..."

Toni groaned, lifting herself to her feet with the help of Jughead and Fangs, who looked her over like they were human X-Ray machines, checking for any obvious contortions.

"I'm good, guys."

She looked uneasy, glancing at the same pride flag hanging from her trailer, rolling her shoulders back
"Do you want to, uh.... come have a look around my trailer? While I get cleaned up."
Toni was nervous, by the sight of her biting her cheek and bouncing leg. 

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