How it All Started

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~Second Grade;Girl Scout event~
Mack's P.O.V
I really don't know why I have to be here. I never even liked being in Girl Scouts. Today we have to be in this Teddy Bear Tea Party to raise money for a trip we're supposed to go to in the summer. So I came with the new dress my mom made me wear and brought my favorite Build-A-Bear(her name is sunshine).
Jo's P.O.V
Oh, this is a TEDDY BEAR tea party. So it's not just a bring your favorite stuffed animal and dress fancy thing. I came with my dark green dress that I LOVE and I brought my stuffed horse( She was gray). I came in and saw a girl put teddy bears on tables, so I decided to help her while my mom signed my in. "Hi! My name is Mackenzie!" She said. "I'm Journey, but everything calls me Jo." I replied. We started talking and goofing around. While we were putting the teddies on the table, we made a game. It was like a relay game or something. Then when we were done we went to Mackenzie's troop leader and asked her if there was anything else to do.
Mack's P.O.V
"Go check the kitchen and ask if there's anything they need help with" my troop leader told us as we ran to the kitchen were my mom was. My mom had nothing to do so she decided to help with making the food. We walked in and Jo asked if there's anything that they need help with as I talked to my mom for a bit. "Are you behaving yourself missy?" my mom asked as she made what looked like, a cucumber sandwich. "Yeah. Can I try one of those?" "Sure, tell me if you like them" she said has she fed a mini sandwich. It tasted like heaven. "Yum!!" I said with the biggest smile on my face. I got about 6 more for me and Jo and ran out the kitchen. She handed me some stuff to put on the table as I gave her 4 cucumber sandwiches. "What's this?" She asked. "Its heaven, try it!" She put the sandwich in her mouth and had the same big smile on her face that I had when I tried it.
Jo's P.O.V
The rest of the day was just me and Mackenzie eating all the cucumber sandwiches helping pass things out during the party and making fun of the Daisies. When it was time to leave, we were sad. "I'll see you in the next event!" I said trying not to sound sad. "Are you going to Savannah?" She asked. Oh yeah! That's why we came to this thing! "Yeah!! Your going to be there!?" "YES!! I'll see you there!!" She said as she left the building. Now I can't for the trip this summer!

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