Happy Halloween!!!

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Mack's P.O.V
Halloween is finally here!! Me and Jo have been waiting for this day!! We're going trick or treating together(even though we are 16 we still want free candy!). We have 2 costumes. The first one isn't really a costume but we are going to be Batman and Superman during school and then Mario and Luigi when trick or treating. I get up a half hour early so I can get ready.
Jo's P.O.V
When I'm ready I text Mack
Me:Hey Superwoman😜

Panda❤️👭: Can't text and die

Me: ŁØŁ are u almost here

Panda❤️👭: Yea I'm jammen at the light🎉💃

Me: 😂😂 What u jammen to tho

Panda❤️👭: Love Robbery❤️😩🙌


Panda❤️👭:😂 B there in like 30 minutes


~At School~

We walk to our home base and everyone was looking at us, but one person was looking extra hard, John
Mack's P.O.V
John's looking. Why!? Should I go over and yell at him? "He's looking Jo. Should I go over an-" "Don't do anything! Just leave it alone!" she said seriously. Fine then.
~End of the Day~
As me and Jo were walking to my car, someone called her name, very loudly too. "Hey! Journey!!! Wait up!" he basically screamed. Jo turned and was shocked at who was calling her name like there life depended on it(but for Jo it did😉). "Hey John, what's up??" He ran so that he was right in front of her so I walked next to her, just in case the ass wants to do something stupid. "You left your pen and I was just bringing it back to you!" He said with the biggest smile on earth (like he did something important😒). "A pen!? You ran all the way out here....FOR A PEN!!?" I said still shocked. "Yes for a pen, and my special pen to! Thank you so much!" Jo said taking the pen and giving me a evil glare. "Whatever, is that all, we kinda need to get going here!" I said very impatient. "No actually, I was going to ask if you would want to go trick or treating with me and some friends tonight?" John said to Jo.
"Uh I'm going wi-" "She's definitely going! Plus one of course!" I said while cutting Jo off. "Ok! That's fine I'll text u, here's my number." he said while getting a random piece of paper out of his pocket and write his number with "Jo's pen". The rest of the night was me, Jo, John, Michael and John's friend, Ty, being kids.
Kinda short chapter but I'll do another one today! Today is a very important day.........ITS mshemmingslover BIRTHDAY!!!!! So go wish her a happy birthday and party for no reason!!!!
(For now😝)

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