Kiss & tell

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Chapter nine

Kiss & tell

Kiss & tell

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"Okay dad, please stay safe," Flora whispered into her phone, scared that Jennifer would find a way to take her dad as well.

"Flora is something going on? Do you need me to pick you up? Did Stiles hurt you?"

Flora smiled when she heard the concern in her father's voice. "I'm fine, Stiles wouldn't hurt me. It's j-just the murders, they're all over the news and I want you to stay safe."

A sharp suck of breath was heard on the other line. "Flora, I'm the one who should be worried, not you."

The brunette rolled her eyes at her father.

Ian Young was a good man but he was so stubborn, never admitting that he needs someone to take care of him as well.

"I'm allowed to be worried, it's just us." She whispered and leaned against the doorframe in Argent's hall.

"I know Flora, but we're going to be fine."

There was a silence from both of them for a couple of seconds.

"Is Isaac with you? He left without saying where he was going."

The teenage girl grinned. Her father and Isaac started to form a bond over the past couple of weeks, almost as if Ian was Isaac's uncle.

"Yeah, we're at Allison's place." She lied, the girl didn't have the time to explain why was Isaac was at Derek's loft. "We'll be home soon, don't wait for us."

A small sigh of defeat escaped Ian's mouth. "Okay, I love you and stay safe you two, okay?"

Flora nodded, not realizing that her father couldn't see her. "I love you too, don't forget to lock the back door, you keep forgetting." She reminded him, with a hint of mockery in her voice.

"Well, I won't forget it now." Ian mocked back with a light laugh. "Bye flower." He whispered before hanging up.

"Bye, Dad," Flora whispered and closed her eyes while leaning her head against the light yellow wall. It was late and her head was still killing her but Allison managed to clean up the damage on her forehead without a sign that she was even injured.

"The lunar eclipse is less than two freaking nights away."

Flora's eyes opened when she heard Stiles' worried voice. She ran a hand over her face and walked back into Chris's office space he had in his apartment.

"Stiles, don't give up hope." The older man advised the teenage boy as he watched Flora's tired entrance.

The girl sadly smiled and squeezed the boy's shoulder, making him lift his hand and squeeze back her hand. Flora didn't hesitate and sat on the arm of the chair where Stiles was sitting.

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