A second chance

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[Here is the next chapter I hope you like it, I would like you to tell me what I could do to improve and what comic arc or animated series you want me to put in the story.]

A day passed since the agreement that Dav-Vel and Batman made in an hour the meeting will take place.Right now, Batma is talking to Superman to tell him the news and to contact the other members of the league for the meeting.

Batman: I found it

Suoerman,: Find what?

Batman: Dav-Vel

Supeerman : Bruce are you sure?

Batman : He was in the place I least expected, here in Gotham

Batman : What will you do? I suppose you want us to put him in custody.

Batman: : No, at least not yet, I gave him a vote of confidence

Batman: I will contact the league members who were present that day

Superman: Shall we make this public to the other members?

Batman: Only if Dav-Vel wants it, he wants to keep a low profile for now.

Supeman: And, what did he do to convince you to give him that vote of confidence? You don't give that to many

Batman: You will see.

Location: Atalaya

Hal Jordan: Does anyone know why Batman wanted us to meet?

Martian Manhunter: No, he just contacted us and said it was important

Wonder Woman: It must be, Batman would not waste time on something meaningless.

Power Girl: We'll see, I hope it's important

Aquaman: As Diana said, Batman would not waste time and neither would others

Flash comes to the room

Flash: Hello, I'm not late, am I?

Red Tornado: No, you're on time.

Hal Jordan: Wow, I'm very surprised.

Flash: Very funny and what is the meeting about?

Batman and superman arrive in the room.

Superman: I promise you it won't be a waste of time.

Batman: Batman: Please have a seat, the meeting has just started.

Superman: Four months ago, there was an invasion, many of which are present were in metropolis where the largest fleet of Parademons was

Hal Jordan: Yes yes, we already discussed this in the meeting we did that day

Batman: This is different, those who were present that day confronted someone.

Black Canary: Darkseid? we've already faced it before

Wonder Woman: No it wasn't darkseid.

An image of Dav-Vel is placed in the middle of the table .

Superman: This is Dav-Vel of the house Vel, it's Kryptonian

Jonh Stewart: Another Kryptonian?

Hal Jordan: Wow Wow, how come I didn't know about this

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