lxi. The Three-Legged Death Race

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Chiron contiuned about the virtues of team building while Harley bounced up and down.

"Also keep in mind," Chiron said, "that none of the unfortunate disappearances has been linked to the Labyrinth. Remain with your partner and you should be safe...at least, as safe as one can be in a three-legged death race."

"Yeah," Harley said. "Nobody has even died yet." He sounded disappointed, as if he wanted us to try harder.

"In the face of a crisis," Chiron said, "it's important to stick to our regular activities. We must stay alert and in top condition. Our missing campers would expect no less from us. Now, as to the teams for the race, you will be allowed to choose your partner—"

Everyone looked around hungrily, trying to partner up with their friends. Sherman glanced at Kira. "You sure you don't want to? You can have the privilege of being my partner," He offered, and Kira began to feel bad for the boy.

"Sorry Yang," She said, giving him sympathetic eyes. "No can do."

Chiron struck his hoof against the floor. "All right, everyone, settle down! The race will be tomorrow afternoon. Thank you, Harley, for your hard work on the...um, various lethal surprises in store."

"BLAM!" Harley ran back to the Hephaestus table to join his older sister, Nyssa.

"This brings us to our other news," Chiron said. "As you may have heard, two special newcomers joined us today. First, please welcome the god Apollo!"

Everyone glanced to Apollo nervously, including Kira. He stayed in his seat, looking overwhelmed, which was completely out of character for the Sun God.

Chiron struggled to maintain his smile. "Now, I know this is unusual," he said, "but gods do become mortal from time to time. You should not be overly alarmed. Apollo's presence among us could be a good omen, a chance for us to..." He seemed to lose track of his own argument. "Ah...do something good. I'm sure the best course of action will become clear in time. For now, please make Apollo feel at home. Treat him as you would any other new camper."

At the Hermes table, Connor Stoll raised his hand. "Does that mean the Ares cabin should stick Apollo's head in a toilet?"

"We are not dunking his head, Stoll." Kira said, rolling her eyes. She met eyes with Apollo, who gave her a grateful look.

Sherman snorted. "We don't do that to everyone, Connor. Just the newbies who deserve it."

Sherman glanced at Meg, who was obliviously finishing her last hot dog. The wispy black whiskers at the sides of her mouth were now frosted with mustard.

Connor Stoll grinned back at Sherman, and Kira frowned.

The two boys whom Meg had humiliated, preparing for payback. Kira glared at her friend at the Hermes table, but he didn't meet her eyes.

"Thank you, Sherman," Chiron continued. "It's good to know you won't be giving the god of archery a swirly. As for the rest of you, we will keep you posted on our guest's situation. I'm sending two of our finest satyrs, Millard and Herbert"—he gestured to the satyrs on his left—"to hand-deliver a message to Rachel Dare in New York. With any luck, she will be able to join us soon and help determine how we can best assist Apollo."

Kira gave Sherman the death glare. "Don't do anything to her, Yang," but the boy found his dinner suddenly more appetizing.

"Finally," Chiron said, "we welcome a new demigod to camp—Meg McCaffrey!"

She wiped her mouth and stood.

Next to her, Alice Miyazawa said, "Stand up, Meg."

Julia Feingold laughed.

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