𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕥𝕪 𝕤𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟

Start from the beginning

The familiar feeling of Hoseok's lips on his cheek reminded him of only a month again where Hoseok kissed Yoongi teasingly on the cheek in that one brunch restaurant and when Yoongi was forced to do the same during a truth and dare game.

But this time, it was different.

All the other little pecks shared here and there before then were solely platonic, with barely any emotion or affection involved and just for the main purpose of making the other flustered on purpose since it was amusing to watch.

But now, now that they were open about their feelings and acknowledged the fact that they had kissed without any embarrassment following along after it, its like those once meaningless cheek pecks carried an entirely different connotation with them. Maybe it wasn't as intimate as their two actual kisses shared between them so far, but it wasn't insignificant or necessarily a downgrade in the world of affection either.

Contradicting to popular belief, Yoongi probably loved cute little face pecks just as much as more passionate kisses, appreciating them both at an equal level since it was just a variation of way of how to show your significant other how much you really mean to them.

Almost on command, as if it was muscle memory at this point, Yoongi's cheeks flushed a bright pink at the subtle yet sly action, pulling Hoseok in for another quick hug before eventually saying their final goodbyes with stupidly wide grins plastered across their faces as Yoongi apprehensively shut the door behind him.

And as that door shut, Hoseok breathed out a sigh he didn't even know he had been holding that entire time. It wasn't a bad or negative thing, but maybe just out of pure nervousness or even how happy he was from the whole ordeal.

Because they liked each other.

Yoongi confessed to him.

They still had yet to talk about what would happen from then on, but that was a topic saved for another time maybe over a dinner meal of some sort.

But for now, Hoseok just skipped and danced joyfully in his own little blissful world as he made his way back into the car, blush painting his cheeks as his entire family sent him 'that' look, knowing fully well that there was something going on between the two. Though Hoseok just brushed it off with a wave of his hand, not really caring to be pestered at that moment for something even he wasn't sure about.

But was he did know, was that he was more than happy to have some sort of romantic thing going on between him and Yoongi, even if they didn't have a specific label for their relationship yet.

But who cares?

A label is a label, just a name slapped onto a relationship that corresponded to how far in deep you were in the depths of the world of romance. And although Hoseok had only so far dipped his toes into the shallow waters of the early stages of it, he was already loving it.

✈︎   ☁︎︎   ✈︎   ☁︎︎   ✈︎

Of course, now the only hard part about it was how to tell the others about the whole... thing.

Or the kiss, to be more specific.

Because even they were confused themself, still awaiting that discussion about what to label themselves or if they were going to just try out this whole new dating thing before jumping straight into the boyfriend category. Individually in their own minds, neither Hoseok nor Yoongi found anything wrong with going right into boyfriends, but it was for the sake of their relationship as a whole, not just what they wanted for themselves.

So, even though they haven't verbally communicated on it yet, they reasoned that taking it slow at first would be best.

Both of them also figured it would be best to double check with the other before telling the rest of their friend group about what went down, since it was quite personal and more meaningful to them and it was never their intention to discuss anything privately outside of their own safety bubble.

『 ʙᴇɴᴇᴀᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ sᴜʀғᴀᴄᴇ ⋙ sᴏᴘᴇ 』✔︎Where stories live. Discover now