You two okay?

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Moose had pulled Zara and Ameila out of the way as the Avalanche went faster and was gaining in size. Moose pulled them into a shed and close the door.

They looked frightened so Moose pulled them towards him and they allowed him to. They waited for the rhumbles to stop complety for a while before Moose checked. Then he let Mallory and Zara out.

"You two okay?" He asks

"Yes sir I'm fine" Zara says

"What about you?" He asks Mallory

"I'm fine sir" she replies

"How about you sir?" Zara asks

"I'm fine come on let's go" moose says

"Will they be okay?" Mallory asks

"I hope so" Moose whispers

They walked out and stayed right next to Moose as they arrive at where they last saw Jones and Tom.

"There gone" Zara whispers

"We need fireman Sam" moose says

"That's Jones's dad" Mallory whispers to Zara
Zara nods

Avalanche TroubleWhere stories live. Discover now