Chapter 10

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* 4 hours later *

"Do you want to play some UNO to keep your mind off of things?" Brent asks. "why not." Carley says numb with worry. The front door opens showing Cameron and Shannon. "Can they do anything?" Carley says hopeful. "I am so sorry sweetie. They can't do anything until 24 hours have passed" Shannon says breaking away from Cameron's hand and sitting down with her best friend. " Why can't they do anything!" Carley pleads. "They just can't" Cameron says walking into shannon's room and slamming the door. " Give me one second, okay" Shannon looks for her approval, Carley nods and Shannon runs to comfort Cameron. He is siting down on the bed, face in hand. "Cam?" Shannon sits next to him and puts her hand on his back. "I don't understand! They need to help him. His friends could of done anything to him!" Shannon looks into his worried eyes and says "listen, we'll go back tomorrow and you'll tell them what you know, okay? they will help us and they will find him. " She grab his hand " I promise. " In that moment Cameron places his hand on Shannon's cheek and pulls her into a kiss. The kiss got deeper, they stayed there for a lot longer. Then are inturpted by Cameron's phone ringing. Shannon pulls away, out of breath " Are you going to answer it?" Cameron pulls her back in and whispers against her lips "no." "Cameron please answer it, what if it's zach? " Cameron pulls away and sighs. " Hello?..... Yeah.... What..." Cameron starts to stand up " what hospital?.... Shit.... I am coming now.... Okay..." Cameron hung up. Shannon got to her feet "What's a matter who was that?" She said nervously. "The doctor. Zach is the hospital. We have to go now." Cameron takes her hand and pulls her into a close hug. "Don't leave me?" "I couldn't even of I wanted to." She gives him a quick pecks and walk into the living room walking swiftly to the door but Carley stops them. "What wrong?" Carley starts to panic. Michael walks over to Carley and put his hand around her so she won't fall over. " They found Zach. He's in the hospital. We need to go now" Cameron explains. Carley let out a whimper "what happened?" Cameron swallows hard so Shannon answers for him. "We don't know.... I am sure he's fine." "Shit, stop talking and let's get in the fucking car" Mikey pushes them out the door. "What about Dillion and Brent?" Cameron stops. "They went out to get food ill call them on the way to meet us there" Mikey says.

*in the car*

"Be strong. Be strong. Nothing bad will ever happen to him. Everything will be okay." Carley repeats in her head. In the car Cameron is driving, he hasn't said a word since we left the apartment. Mikey is in the passager seat, he just finished talking to Brent and Dillion on the phone. Shannon is sitting next to Carley, squeezing her hand trying to make her feel a little better. Carley stares out the window, and doesnt speak the whole way there. About 45 minutes passed and Cameron says "we're here"

*waiting room of the hospital*

Carley rushes in with Shannon Cameron and Michael. Dillion and Brent are already there. Cameron walks up to an older couple and starts talking to them. After a couple of minutes of them mumbling to each other Cameron calls Carley over. "Mr. and Mrs.Porter this is Carley, Zach's girlfriend." Cameron introduces them. "Hi, I'm Carley, I am sorry we had to meet this way" Carley say's. Mrs.Porter brings Carley into a hug "oh sweetie we know who you are, Zach told us all about you" . Carley blushes. "Do you know what happened to him?" Carley asks. " "Carley!" Cameron calls interrupting the conversation . "Oh um, I have to go, nice talking to you mr. and mrs. Porter. " Carley says making her way toward Cameron. "What?" She meets up with Cameron. "The doctor says two people can come in now, his parents just went in so now we can go." Cameron states. "What about his other friends?" Carley says worried. "Trust me he wants you in there" Cameron said. "Okay " she said panicking. Carley opens the door eager to know what's happened, and gasps. She stand still as all her breath is taken from her lungs. " Zach. "


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