Chapter 2

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Dear journal,

I am so exicited! We're finally leaving our sunny Florida and traveling all the way across the country to the even sunnier California. But don't worry I am not alone, of course, I have my best friend Shannon with me. She is quite nervous for our audition though. I am elated for it, infact I hardly even got any sleep last night! I have never been outside the state of Florida before so I am guessing that also played a key part in my sleeping issue. But the main reason has to be that I will soon be breathing the same californian air as the best band in the world, Allstar Weekend! This could be my only chance to ever become friends with them! I HAVE to meet them. I can tell Shannon's excited too. Underneath her nerv's and complaining about my driving I can see she's fangirling on the inside. She's looks super cute today in her favorite long white dress, jean jacket, and flip flops. Her style is amazing I wish I could pull it off but I am stuck in the same thing I always wear. Shorts and my american eagle top. It's much easier this way, I never worry about what to wear. I have to go now! Shannon's back from the gas station bathroom and we have to get back on the road. Hopefully we'll be there soon enough. California here we come!

Love, Carley

" We're finally leave Florida EEEEP! Do you think all the other states are just like ours ? " " No?  They're not, They're all completely different! California is way cooler than our blazing hot Florida. " She says obviously annoyed with her. " You lived there 18 year's ago. How do you know it hasn't changed. " Carley says in defense but Shannon who's not really paying much attention to the situation says " Wow, it's been 18 years already. I can't believe we are already 21 and I definitely can't believe we're traveling the country to finally become real actresses. Maybe this will be our big break. " Finally a big smile spreads across Shannon's face. " HEY, save your that smile for when you meet Cameron! Caue we will hunt Allstar Weekend down! " They both giggled and turned up their music while cruising down the highway. 



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