Chapter 8

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*4 hours later in the apartment*

Carley and Shannon stood in the mirror nudging each other to get a better look into the mirror. Shannon was in a simple light pink long flowy dress with black strap on heels, her eyes still filled with water from the accident that happened moments ago. Carley, on the other hand, is in a short light blue dress with the same black strap on heels as Shannon ( It's the " dress code " for the video shoot ). Both of their blonde locks were lightly curled to appear wavey. " I can't believe this is actually happening to us! This is amazing! I would have never thought that life could be so magnificant!" Carley exclaimed jumping up and down with glee. Shannon sighed " Yeah. Well I just want to get this over with. I really don't want to see Cameron right now, I feel like such a weakling. I mean it must look like  I can't even take care of my self. " tears started forming in her eyes again. " ughhhh! Shannon we already talked about this! He would never think of you that way! Stop being a  Debbie downer and let's enjoy life, we only have one you know." Carley said to shannon while giving her a wink. They were walking out the door  when Carley's phone rings.  " Hello. This is her... yeah? ....... mhmmmh ... Yeah! Oh my gosh! That's great news! Thank you so much!" She hangs up and turns to Shannon who is giving her a puzzled look. " So you know that audition we went to a week ago? Well... that was the director! He sent my tape to a couple of his colleagues and they asked if I would be in their upcoming tampon commercial! " she exclaimed. " That's so great for you, Carley! Congratulations!" Shannon smiled. " But you didn't hear the best part! They asked you to be in a different commercial. They said they'll call you with the det.'s in a bit!" Both Carley and Shannon express the biggest smile. There dreams were coming true.

*In the studio*

"Oh my god!!! Shannon we're here! EEEEP" Carley squealed. " Zach never texted me back though. I hope he woke up in time! We had a crazy night last night" Carley smirked, Shannon rolled her eyes and grinned. They approached the studio doors but was stopped by someone calling out their names. " Hey,girls wait up!" They both turn around to see Cameron walking towards them. He quickly runs up and gives Shannon a huge hug. " What no hug for me?" Carley said laughing, Shannon glares at her. "Of course " Cameron smiled and turned to Shannon " Well it looks like you guys have a lot to talk about so I am going to go find Zach" Carley said before walking off but yet again was stopped by Cameron yelling " Sorry Carley he isn't here yet!"  Carley let's the disappointment on her face show because Cameron says "He'll be here soon though! Come here I'll introduce you to my friend, Mikey!" A tan body makes its way through the crowd and towards our group. Shannon and Carley obviously know who it is. Michael Martinez. They were super big fans and talked to Mikey at a couple of their concerts But Cameron and Zach don't know that and they want to keep it that way. "Sup my peeps!" Mikey nods his head trying to be cool. Shannon laughs a little " hey!" She say's. "Whoa dudes you two look so familiar! I have seen you before! Were you the two strippers at the club last night" Michael says. "Hahaha no! We just moved here from Florida!" Carley says while laughing. " Michael you were to drunk to remember anything anyway." Cameron playfully punches his arm. " Duude that is so true!" He was so proud of him self.  " Okay well I am going to leave this fine lady. " He says winking at Shannon. She blushes making Cameron glare at Mikey " and I am going to take this fine lady, Carley and show her to the other band members. " He says locking arms with Carley. Shannon caught Carley blushing too. They left leaving Cameron and Shannon alone. "You've been quiet." Cameron said. "Just a little." Shannon shrugged. Cameron exploded with rage. " I need to know if you're okay! I can't stand seeing you so..... so.. broken! I don't know what that bastard did to you but I know it was bad enough that you wont even tell me. You can trust me, Shannon and I don't care what you say I don't feel comfortable leaving you alone. I mean he knows where you live!"  Shannon became furious. " Cameron I am fine! I can take care of my self. I have been dealing with this lunatic way longer than you've even been around. I don't need you babysitting me, I am an adult!" Shannon says with outrage. Cameron takes a step back. " I am sorry. I didnt mean It like that. I just really care about you." Cameron whispers and walks away. Shannon could feel her heart breaking. She just told off the love of her life. "Shit! what did I just do? Why am I so stupid." She whispers to her self.  Shannon runs after Cameron but he walked into the boys restroom. She sat down and waited. "He has to come out sometime. " The door opened and Shannon sprang to her feet. A big Harry man steps out and sees her. She frowns and the mans deep voice fills her ears " Well this is awkward. Um are you lost, mam?" "Uhhh no.  I am just waiting for ...." Cameron walks out of the bathroom. Shannon finished up looking at Cameron making eye contact and not leaving his sight. "....Cameron and I wanted to tell him that I was sorry and that i didn't mean to say those things. It was just in the moment and I wanted to see if I could ever be forgiven for being so stupid. "Cameron starts to smile. Shannon breaks the the gaze and looks for the big man she was originally talking to but he was half way down the hall. Then Cameron and Shannon burst out laughing. "Wow what a great listener!" Cameron says sarcastically. Shannon grins and says to Cameron " Yeah right! .... But everything I said I did mean, and I am sorry". Cameron smiles and pulls her in a tight hug and whispers in her ear. "and as I said earlier I care about you....a lot." still enrolled in his hug shannon says " I know and I care about you too." and with that said she kissed him on the cheek. 

* Back out with the rest of the crew *

Carley is walking with Mikey. He starts telling a story that Carley wasn't paying attention to. " Well I was the club and....." Carley didn't bother to listen to the rest she was zoned out. She occasionally smiled and nodded to reassure Mikey that she was still listening but all she could think about was Zach and how he has neglected to texted her back. That was so unlike him. Carley was pulled out of her thoughts by Mikey shoving her up to a tall, handsome, blonde guy standing with a shorter yet older looking man. Carley smiled already knowing who they were Brent, and Dillon. Brent spoke up, smiled and said " Well nice meeting you" He said trying to be a flirt.  Carley grinned."Nice meeting you too" she shook his hand. " Nice meeting you Carley! Zach told us so much about you! Oh by the way I am the incredibly nice and handsome Dillon and he's ,well, he's just Brent. " Carley laughed. Mikey was no longer by her side but she heard him yelling across the room. "Oh dawg long time no see... swaggie!" Carley smiled then looked back at Brent and Dillon. They seemed to be talking about some inside joke so she stood there awkwardly not knowing where to go until she saw Cameron and Shannon walking toward her. " Hey " Hey girl ! " Shannon chimed. "Wow you seem to be in a better mood!" Carley said.  "Yup!" Shannon smiled then looked at Cameron.  " Here let me introduce you to Brent and Dillon. " Cameron said "Hi my name is.. " Brent interupted her. " Shannon, trust me we know all about you. " He winked at Cameron and shook Shannon's hand. Shannon looked back at Cameron a little puzzled. " Well you're prettier than he has described. " Dillon said giving Shannon a playfull high five. She just giggled and blushed. Cameron looked embarrassed. Carley frowned. " Where is zach! " She thought to herself. A loud buzzer chimmed making Carley jump then a speaker came on  " All talents please report to the left wing so we can start shooting!" Cameron sighed and said that it was our time to go. 

* In the video shoot room *

They walked into ginormous room filled with lights, props, and many different colors. Plus changing rooms filled with makeup and costumes. Rick came upp behind us "Okay people we need Zach, Michael, and Cameron front and center!" Cameron walked over and met with Mikey but there still no sign of Zach. Carley looked around but he still wasn't there " It's okay Carley , he'll show up, he is not going to miss his own video shoot!" Shannon grinned trying to cheer up Carley. Carley and Shannon were pulled away from the stage with another girl playing Michaels love interest. Her name was Bailey and she was so sweet, Carley knew that they were all going to become great friends.  After 15 minutes of putting on make up for the shoot Rick storms in cursing " Where the hell is Zach!? This is costing us by the fucking hour!" He was yelling his head off then turns to the girls and said " We're done for the day, get some rest and be back here at 6 am tomorrow." " But we haven't done anything yet? " Shannon says annoyed. Rick turns to her " You can thank Zachary David Porter for that! He's not even in his damn apartment! Probably goofing off somewhere!" Rick yelled stormed out of the room slamming the door behind him. Cameron and Brent come up to them. " Hey how about you guys come over to our apartment till we get everything figured out? " Carley scared couldnt speak so Shannon did it for her " Yeah we'll be there. Meet you there."They walked away leaving Shannon and Carley alone.   "He's not in his apartment?" Carley turns to Shannon for answers. Shannon looks at her not knowing what to say. " Come on now sweeety. " Shannon says guiding her towards the exit. Carley's eyes getting heavy with water. Her throat feels like she swallowed a golf ball. She wasn't going to cry at least not here.

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